B. In the immortal words of that water bottle festooned dodge caravan driver, “I give it 6 months.” Years? Decades?
The CPA firm of Wenjoyedthatass, EA6Beatit, and Associates stated in late January 2023 and a couple times thereafter: the entity's management should evaluate whether there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the entity's ability to continue as a going concern within six months after the date of this opinion:
Note: this post is purely satire coupled with actual postings of one of our members that speculated on the business.
I haven’t been but it seems like it’s going gang busters and kicking ass. Wait. Kissing ass?
Any way they seem to have a good bottom line. If you get there early enough you’ll see the dancers cumming out of an all hands meeting. Now if I can circle back to the topic at hand.
In the speculative words of dogsmallcity - the one member was “ruff, ruff” on this establishment.