curious about the term 'monger'

Bobave's Avatar
On this board, "monger" seems to be used as a general term in reference to the larger hobbyiest community. However, the original definition of monger was a dealer in a specific commodity. Often used in combination, so a fishmonger was someone who sold fish, and a whoremonger was a ... well, pimp or madam.
pyramider's Avatar
There used to be a NV brothel review board and they referred to themselves as cyber whoremongers.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm curious ..why your curious ..about the word monger
burkalini's Avatar
A monger is just simply someone who is among a certain group
Bobave, you are correct, as it is used in the New Testament, particularilly in Ephesians, it is beleived that Paul was referring to what we now call a Pimp, or even a Madame.

But, in general use, the term 'whoremonger' has morphed into meaning anyone who consorts with prostitution.

If you are a Hobbyist, you are a "whoremonger". You are also a "Trick, a "John", or a "Mark". You might not like it, but that does not change the truth of the situation.

For what it is worth, so am I.