Live Science: Hobbyists are likely to marry Escorts

Interesting read!

Hello my brothers it turns out that despite all of the negative talk towards escorts many of us who identify as hobbyists would definitely try to marry them if we could. This revelation should give the women a decided advantage over us when the mind fuckery begins. Lol Ok - maybe I should have said we would marry but you get the point.

What Kind of Men Go to Prostitutes?

The researchers also found that the average john doesn't look all that different from the average man who has never paid for sex — clients are more likely to have served in the military, only slightly less likely to be married and white, and only slightly more likely to have a full-time job and be more sexually liberal.
More distinct characteristics, however, emerge among avid customers of prostitutes who self-identify as "hobbyists" and post on message boards that review call girls. A survey of men in this online community revealed that a substantial portion of them are married, white, earn over $120,000 per year, have graduate degrees and think about sex more (and feel less guilty about it), compared with other groups of men, including those who have been arrested for hiring prostitutes on the street.
Men of this more privileged class that cruise the Internet instead of the sidewalks for sex also have different views about prostitution. Compared with men who have been arrested for soliciting a prostitute, the "hobbyists" are more likely to say that prostitution should be legal, that they would marry a prostitute and that prostitutes enjoy their work, the researchers found.
Live Science Source
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Very interesting article ... they forgot to mention hobbyists like me. Marriage is not really a part of my plans. Monogamy ain't really for me. I enjoy variety and variety is the spice of life : )

But ... I gotta admit ... That if I had no other choice but to get married or face the death penalty. And I had 2 choices, a civilian chick and a provider, I rather marry the provider. Why? Because sex means a lot to me, I love good sex. She is experienced and knows the arts of pleasure.
I gotta admit ... That if I had no other choice but to get married or face the death penalty. And I had 2 choices, a civilian chick and a provider, I rather marry the provider. Why? Because sex means a lot to me, I love good sex. She is experienced and knows the arts of pleasure. Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666

In other words: Hobbyists more likely to lie to online polls.
Lol @ spear. Yep!
surcher's Avatar
Interesting read!

Hello my brothers it turns out that despite all of the negative talk towards escorts many of us who identify as hobbyists would definitely try to marry them if we could. This revelation should give the women a decided advantage over us when the mind fuckery begins. Lol Ok - maybe I should have said we would marry but you get the point.

What Kind of Men Go to Prostitutes?

A survey of men in this online community revealed that a substantial portion of them are married, white, earn over $120,000 per year, have graduate degrees and think about sex more (and feel less guilty about it), compared with other groups of men, including those who have been arrested for hiring prostitutes on the street.

Live Science Source Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I haven't totaled $120,000 in the last 10 years!
I know who I'm proposing to.
I haven't totaled $120,000 in the last 10 years! Originally Posted by surcher
I know you're kidding.

I know who I'm proposing to. Originally Posted by Trident1
Lol - Oh yea what are your proposal plans?
pyramider's Avatar
Interesting article ... not. The "small scale study" is too small a sample to supply reliable results. The study the article was written on did not list the number of subjects, or any specifics.
Interesting article ... not. The "small scale study" is too small a sample to supply reliable results. The study the article was written on did not list the number of subjects, or any specifics. Originally Posted by pyramider

;-) don't frustrate yourself my brother.
I have a good idea which provider Zanzibar will propose to.
I have a good idea which provider Zanzibar will propose to. Originally Posted by zerodahero
Lol. I can't say who she is but she's in this video (so to speak) it's the essence of her.


Ok, back to the 'research article' - spear has it right.

So when does your amor return from hiatus? Still in December?

Go to Jared's!
cinderbella's Avatar
Before I broke into the sensuality biz, I found myself in relationships with men who wielded financial power over me and treated me more like a secret- despite the fact that we either had dated exclusively for over a year or in one case, lived together.

No matter how much I worked a legitimate job or the fact that I was completely faithful ever mattered. I was treated like a hooker years before I ever dreamt of going this route. My significant other would always accuse me of not being good for anything else but sex. I was given vacations, cars and homes. They always had strings attached and I found myself wanting to have my own money and freedom to choose what I wanted for myself.

As soon as I noticed all the nice guys who became good clients, my self esteem improved. In my case, I think I just have the natural personality of a flirt and I like casual friendships with the sweethearts who see me. I finally, ironically ended up with the best boyfriend I have had, for the longest time as well. For me, as soon as I felt comfortable being myself and not trying to impress anyone or always fear they would leave me, I finally received the consideration and mutual respect I always wanted.

I realize it sounds cliché, in my case I am not interested in being married, but I am so lucky to have the boyfriend I have waited my whole life for and always wanted. Perhaps it is just a case of letting your guard down and being yourself.