is our food chain at risk from cv19?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

talks about workers in the meat packing industry getting sick.

some have come down with it.

the illegals on the other hand... are working sick...

they don't get paid when they are sick.... some companies are making allowances for it. its unclear what that means.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Fuckings illegals!

It’s all their fault, eh Dillsy!

Oh, I’m sorry, did yous lose your job in the fudge packing plant to some infected immigrants?

Wash your fuckings hands, boy!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fuckings illegals!

It’s all their fault, eh Dillsy!

Oh, I’m sorry, did yous lose your job in the fudge packing plant to some infected immigrants?

Wash your fuckings hands, boy! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

assup, you're shining real bright as a turd mouth that you are.

no I don't work for a packing plant.

i'm not blaming them. but they should not be here.....
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are right. They should be in Mexico, where they’re safe from the Orange Fever.

Never miss a chance to bash the immigrant. That’s one things we can all count on from yous, dillsy

Yous are right. They should be in Mexico, where they’re safe from the Orange Fever.

Never miss a chance to bash the immigrant. That’s one things we can all count on from yous, dillsy

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Every chance you get you bash America, then you want to pretend you're from Canada which is a real insult to Canadians. If they only knew there was a prick from America posing as one of them on a Hooker Board, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

you just showed every one what a TDS looks like and you have a very bad case of it.
LexusLover's Avatar
you just showed every one what a TDS looks like and you have a very bad case of it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Does TDS stand for Terrified Dumb Shit?
  • oeb11
  • 03-29-2020, 01:25 PM
Methinks the DPST's are too dumb to be afraid of what their feckless leaders in Washington want to inflict on the nation.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Does TDS stand for Terrified Dumb Shit? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

that other TDS looks a bit different.