Any info on Josefina from STG?

Checking out STG and came across an ad for Josefina.
Lists Hot Springs and Fayetteville.
Hot little Latina/Brazillian.
Just curious if anyone knows anything about her?
I reached out to the number and a couple of minutes later I get a response from a Texas area code but said they were from LA. So I wouldn't be to hopeful
Damn. That’s a shame.
Latinas are my weakness!
Thanks for the response.
I messaged you
Tx Guy's Avatar
Please share info...thxs
laidbackfire's Avatar
I messaged you Originally Posted by Baconman
Please PM me, too, Baconman. Thanks!
Nothing to share,you might try texting the number on her ad.
I called the number on the link yesterday but I hung up after one ring because I was receiving another call.

To my surprise, she called me back from the number from the ad.

She told me that she was in Little Rock, her ad said Fayetteville and Hot Springs, I'm in Fayetteville, so I thought I would be lucky. She also said that she just moved into her new place and her bed was going to be delivered next week.

She sounded very accommodating and she was trying to work out a way for us to meet. Her rates are $400.00 for an hour, but she's running a discount of $600.00 for 2 hours.

If I was positive that the girl I talked to was actually the girl from the ad on STG, I would make a flying trip to LR.

I'm afraid it's just click bait.
laidbackfire's Avatar
George, ask her to send a pic of her face while holding up 3 fingers, or some other verifying feature. Let us know how it goes.
Laid, I would definitely do that if I was able to travel to Little Rock to see her.

I hope to get the chance, soon.
burt_shmacklin's Avatar
I've seen an ad with her name and same photos posted on STG about 3 months ago. Looked up the number at the time and could not find anything. Hard to believe a girl like her only posting on STG but I guess anything is possible.