Enjoy spring

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Sometimes it seems like it takes so long to get here. But it's worth the wait.
I'm growing weary of these bitter cold days.

" Toward the end of March, in St. Louis, slush fills the gutters, and dirty snow lies heaped alongside porch steps, and everything seems to be suffocating in the embrace of a season that lasts too long. Radiators hiss mournfully, no one manages to be patient, the wind draws tears from your eyes, the clouds are filled with sadness. Women with scarves around their heads and their feet encased in fur-lined boots pick their way carefully over patches of melting ice. It seems that winter will last forever, that this is the decision of nature and nothing can be done about it."

From "First Love and Other Sorrows"
by Harold Brodkey
Spring has sprung in the Great State. The trees are budding. The azalea bushes are blooming their riot of pastel colors. The blue bonnets are popping through the lovely, lush green grasses. And the weather couldn't be more perfect. It was in the low 80's, dry with a light breeze today. Life is good.
I love spring. Can't wait to start my veggie garden. Been spending a lot of time outdoors lately enjoying the day.