Democrat contract for america

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  1. Clean government. We must adopt a constitutional amendment adopting term limits and a lifetime ban on elected officials serving as lobbyists.
  2. Fair trade. Unions have long argued that shipping jobs abroad would ruin far too many families and communities. NAFTA and the WTO must be renegotiated.
  3. Economic vitality. We support rebuilding America’s infrastructure to facilitate job growth and protect the health of our people. Meanwhile, we must address the economic fallout of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
  4. Education. We staunchly support public education but also believe in nonprofit charter schools where communities want them.
  5. Energy. The elites of both parties have shipped our children off to wars for oil. No more. It’s time to rebuild our energy economy based solar, wind and natural gas.
  6. National security. We embrace the goal of making countries democratic, but not by the barrel of a gun. Next, our fight against terrorism must address the radical Islamic ideology that pours from Saudi Arabia while emphasizing that most Muslims are peaceful.
  7. Corporate America. Big corporations often chase profits at the expense of the American worker. We will fight any efforts to roll back common-sense rules to keep businesses honest.
  8. Environment. The Iroquois tribe had it right – every decision should be based on how it might impact the well-being of seven generations in the future.
  9. Social issues. The government doesn’t belong in our bodies, our bedrooms, or our churches. So long as our choices don’t require taxpayer resources, it’s no one’s business but our own.
  10. Social safety net. We understand that the government can be a force for good if it’s directed properly. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the Affordable Care Act are prime examples of that. Still, reforms are needed.

don't think that won't work.