Account Status

SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Exactly...what does account frozen mean?
Do you mean Account Disabled?

You can disable and enable your profile at any time. Just contact a moderator or administrator.

You need to provide a reason why you wish this done. This is required for record-keeping.

This will freeze your profile. The time remaining on your PA status will be frozen. Your reviews and anything that you have posted will remain. Nothing is removed. You cannot access your profile again until you email the staff and request for it to be enabled. Once this is done, you'll be sent an email for your password to be reset.

DONT LOOSE CONTROL OF THE EMAIL ACCOUNT LINKED TO THE SITE. This email is your verification tool to get back in.

Some people do this if they plan on taking a break, but plan to return later.
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
It means exactly what you would think it means. Its frozen. You rarely see that status as it something temporary, usually while something else is being looked at or investigated.
ck1942's Avatar
That member now shows as "banned."

If anyone is curious about that, I suggest spending 20 or 30 minutes researching his posts.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
That member now shows as "banned." Originally Posted by ck1942
Banned is pretty self-explanatory
Precious_b's Avatar
That member now shows as "banned."

If anyone is curious about that, I suggest spending 20 or 30 minutes researching his posts. Originally Posted by ck1942

Don't even bother.
Never really contributed anything to the site.
More like a kid with a stick poking at something aimlessly.
If he actually did any BCD, i'm sure those Providers are happy he didn't review.

But a Frozen account, i've never seen that status.
The site will only freeze an account if they suspect something serious is going on that needs investigation and, while that is going on, they can't allow that member to stay active and possibly creating a worse situation.