Google's new app Allo

bustybabygirl's Avatar

This is worth a read if you value your privacy and use different apps.
Amber Does's Avatar
It is unsettling to know that no matter what steps you take to protect your privacy within the technology we use day to day that there is no way we will ever have that comfort.

Someone is always listening... check these articles out and turn off the your Voice/Audio settings in Google activity (it tells you how to) and STOP talking to your damn phones! Lol

Google page explaining use-

Google story-

Alexa story-
must suck having to go through life having to constantly look over your shoulder ?


join the club

try doing a legit business where if you make a small stupid mistake by not following

some epa law

or screw up on sales tax or workers comp...

some goon is going to be morethan eager to rob you blind

jail would be easier

the everyday legit guy is trying to build a business and when he gets pinched

theres maybe jail but worse is the monetary FINES as they don't just go away

lucky to be a whore, go to jail , so what suck it up and do some time

at least they wont go back into your books and fine the shit outta you also

the fines the impose on a regular citizen will bankrupt you overnight after investing years of time
why Trump tweets

goes directly to the folks , I'm sure HE is the ONLY person they never bug its just the normal people outside government

hes on it

left a perfectly GREAT life to come do this bull shit for a one dollar a year salary

but needs to be tried

beurocrats and government hacks just want to save their job

people will do anything for a lazy buck that otherwise have no ability or initiative
I really hope they don't Scalia him though

I'm not sure what backfired or was more of a waste of time, that, or propping up that hag killary
Or he was a fat Italian who's heart gwve out thouands of other people each year.
funny thing

no one will know without an autopsy....