It Is Not About Biden . . .Or Trump!

ICU 812's Avatar
This year, I do not think we are voting for or against either of these men. There are many disparaging things written about President Trump's character, integrity and ethics that agree with. There are many disparaging things written about former Vice President Biden being equally unethical, misogynistic or perhaps even criminal. I mean all aspects of that statement to apply equally to both men. It is sad, but our system gives us those choices this year. In my view, neither one is a "better man" than the other.

My criteria for voting this year is NOT who is the "better man" (Jimmy Carter was a better man than most of us for example), but rather what will the country look like by this time in 2024?

Before voting, ask yourself:

Will we be well on the way to being Venezuela or Cuba? Or will we be on the way to returning to the USA of December 2019?
Exactly. That is why I voted for Trump
Lapdog's Avatar
And that's why I didn't.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Then you should go to Cuba or Venezuela....

Almost as bad as "hollywood" stars keep threatening to move to Canada or elsewhere....

THAT SHIT aint happening here...
ICU, what’s this, your 10th thread saying essentially the same thing.

Trump and Republicans will lose. Trump is looking to be headed to an electoral loss similar to Romney and possibly a loss by 4 million citizens. Senate Republicans are looking more and more like a net loss of possibly 5 seats, with a 6th moving against them. Local governments are leaning more Democratic as well. Mayors, Governors and state legislatures will net more Democratic seats.

Yet here we are with Trumpers and “conservatives” and republicans crying foul and whining that the world will come to a calamitous end if Democrats take over. Begging to please please please vote in a republican backstop.

Maybe just maybe that approach would have carried some weight had those same beggars disavowed Trump as soon as he started saying and doing dumb or corrupt shit. But nope, those same republicans that now want to serve as a backstop sold their souls to Trump and barely made a whisper as Trump led the most fucked up presidency filled with corruption, abuse of power, filled with dishonesty, unapologetically lying time and again, etc.

Why should anyone support anyone that supported Trump, if they want to get rid of Trump. If you want Trump gone, you want to wipe out the support structure as well. Hence, McSally, Gardner, etc looking like they are headed to crushing defeats in what should have been really close races.

I look forward to a wipeout and a resetting of the Republican Party. Maybe a return to party preTrump which I may have disagreed with on some fundamental issues but at least I didn’t think they were batshit crazy. I look forward to seeing the courts restructured and likely moved toward some kind of moderation rather than being either hard left or hard right.

Most importantly, I look forward to Trump being out of office and his sycophants crying whining and gnashing their teeth for the years to come.
Lapdog's Avatar
Then you should go to Cuba or Venezuela....

Almost as bad as "hollywood" stars keep threatening to move to Canada or elsewhere....

THAT SHIT aint happening here... Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Why the fuck should I go anywhere? I have no reason to go anywhere. This nation will become great again when Trump is gone and his fucking mess has been cleaned up.
beelzebubba's Avatar

Almost as bad as "hollywood" stars keep threatening to move to Canada or elsewhere.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
What? Like Donald Trump?
I agree the narcissism it takes to think anyone would care.
Stupid fat asshole I’ll buy the ticket for your broke ass little cry baby bitch... Get The Fuck Out!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
ICU, what’s this, your 10th thread saying essentially the same thing.

Trump and Republicans will lose. Trump is looking to be headed to an electoral loss similar to Romney and possibly a loss by 4 million citizens. Senate Republicans are looking more and more like a net loss of possibly 5 seats, with a 6th moving against them. Local governments are leaning more Democratic as well. Mayors, Governors and state legislatures will net more Democratic seats.

Yet here we are with Trumpers and “conservatives” and republicans crying foul and whining that the world will come to a calamitous end if Democrats take over. Begging to please please please vote in a republican backstop.

Maybe just maybe that approach would have carried some weight had those same beggars disavowed Trump as soon as he started saying and doing dumb or corrupt shit. But nope, those same republicans that now want to serve as a backstop sold their souls to Trump and barely made a whisper as Trump led the most fucked up presidency filled with corruption, abuse of power, filled with dishonesty, unapologetically lying time and again, etc.

Why should anyone support anyone that supported Trump, if they want to get rid of Trump. If you want Trump gone, you want to wipe out the support structure as well. Hence, McSally, Gardner, etc looking like they are headed to crushing defeats in what should have been really close races.

I look forward to a wipeout and a resetting of the Republican Party. Maybe a return to party preTrump which I may have disagreed with on some fundamental issues but at least I didn’t think they were batshit crazy. I look forward to seeing the courts restructured and likely moved toward some kind of moderation rather than being either hard left or hard right.

Most importantly, I look forward to Trump being out of office and his sycophants crying whining and gnashing their teeth for the years to come. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Very well said, sir.
i'm not sure if it's the tenth time or how many times he's started a thread that's similar

but likely its due to real dread and to the danger America faces

for never before has one of the two great American parties been beholden to and in the thralls of an anti-American, anti-constitutional (same thing I know), marxist, radical, haters of the bill of rights, with no truth in them, bunch of miscreants as the dimocrat party is.

it is that serious

and its not joe, in terms of protecting the constitution joe will be just a latter day uncle billy from its a wonderful life sans a sweet heart, he will bumble his doddering way to listening to the sweet whispers of liars and while he has a large swath of personal larceny in him, and ego, and sexual crimes and lies and plagiarisms galore, he's just too old for all that now

the wolves will chew him up if he lasts another year
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, if you read the history of this forum, the gnashing teeth haven’t slowed down during this horrible nightmare.

A four year tiki torch parade, egged on by the worst president in AMERICAN history. The only thing he has in common with Lincoln is the amount of AMERICAN deaths that took place on his watch.

I only regret that none of the Proud Boys have stepped up to bet their ECCIE handles on the election. Not surprised, though. We all know how cowardly bullies are.
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 07:56 AM
fake cancuk multiple handles

grow up and get an education.
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