They grow up so fast! My son left for the US Army today....

Simply Alisha's Avatar
Wow...what a long morning....

My oldest son (19 years old), left this morning to head to Ft Meade in Maryland. He'll catch a flight tomorrow morning to Ft Leonardwood, Missouri for Basic Training.

From there...we're not quite sure. Possibly the same post for his AIT in combat engineering.

It's been a long 9 months for him trying to enlist. It's just not as simple as it used to be. He didn't give up...and is following his dream.

I'm proud of him...very proud of him! It's an honor to serve for our military.

But I will admit, it's been quite an emotional day. I don't know if it's knowing (or not knowing) what he's walking into...or the fact that's he's all grown up. Or maybe it's both....

But goodness...they do grow up so fast.

I just pray he transitions easily. And since I'm not from a military background, I have no clue what to expect over the next 4-6 weeks. I don't even know if I will hear from him before graduation.

After 19 years of knowing exactly what is going on in his life, I suddenly feel like I'm in the dark.

If anyone has had any experience with this, I'm all ears. I have no military background, or experience here.

runswithscissors's Avatar
You will experience one of the greatest joys in your life soon, when you point out your son to someone and say, " see that man? that is my son!"

The next nine weeks of his life is indeed just that; his life...his choice...and you have been there every step of the way to make that happen...and now he is on his way to find his own path with the knowledge that you are still there to catch him when he stumbles....

He will be able to write and email after a certain period of time, I referred to it as the "break in" time when I could not contact anyone for the first few weeks due to the intense nature of the training; but know that he is being well cared for and looked after..he will not admit it now, but will look back with respect and admiration for a drill sargent that made him realize he can do anything and will succeed in any aspect of his life....

Drill sargent sounds a lot like you, doesn't it, Mom?

Know that he is safe and well cared for; when he contacts you, ask him for his unit designation or contact the base information officer for any other mothers or wives support group for the unit; you may find similar mothers or young wives who would like to share information.

Packages of cookies when he is able to recieve them; I was an instant celebrity and received several marriage proposals for my mother!

And know that the time will pass so quickly; just as the past 19 years have flown by....

And remember; when you introduce him to people; "this man is my son!'
I am curious as to why it took 9 months to enlist? I thought it was a rather quick process?
Simply Alisha's Avatar
I am curious as to why it took 9 months to enlist? I thought it was a rather quick process? Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Runswithscissors...thank you so much for your input. I have no doubts that he will be well taken care of. I am really proud of him. And deep down, I know he'll be just fine. But I'm still his mom. Worrying is my

And at least now I know who to contact should something go wrong, death in the family, etc. That's the one thing he was unsure about. He wasn't even sure about receiving mail, etc. He is a typical boy, and could care less about these things (at least right

And RalpheyBoy...

With the economy the way it is, it seems the military is having an influx of people wanting to enlist. Many see it as a guaranteed job with benefits. A means to an end, so to speak. They are diligently looking for ways to turn people away to insure they get the cream of the crop. This was how it was explained to him, at least.

He had to chase down xrays from broken bones, old medical records, etc. It was never-ending! By the time he got one thing turned in, they would hit him with something else.

And then his recruiter started slacking off, and got back logged with paper work, etc. So he was replaced, and things seemed to finally get on track.

Several times my son would get frustrated, and I had to remind him of their tactics. "If you're going to give up, they don't want you anyways", came out of my mouth several

It was a long frustrating situation for him. But he got what he wanted, in the end.

NipLover's Avatar
The lean years of the US Army of the 70's and 80's is over. No more taking of HS drop-outs, etc.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-05-2011, 11:15 PM
"May the Gods always stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Godspeed to both of you.