Perhaps Gates retired at the right time?? ===> you know damn well he knew about it..).

Those of you without a "dog in the fight" (such as serving now or having served in the past) need not reply please!!
oshins's Avatar
From the Air Force Times article:
The proposed change would have no affect on current retirees or disabled veterans.
This is what was looking for. I hoped this would be the answer I found, but with the govt. you just never know.
Rodram's Avatar
Ah, excuse me dennisrn?!? My tax dollars pay those pensions and I will reply if I feel the need.
I did some hard reading too oshins and share your thoughts.

This indeed was also a powerful paragraph (I can just see 0-6s and E-9s lining up at retirement planning desks around the world):

"Unlike past changes to the mil­i­tary retire­ment plan, which shielded cur­rent ser­vice­mem­bers from the changes, the plan pre­sented by the Defense Busi­ness Board would not grand­fa­ther cur­rent ser­vice­mem­bers. The plan would go into effect imme­di­ately and includes cur­rent and future ser­vice­mem­bers.

Rodram's Avatar
But, but, but we need to give tax cuts to the "job creators" so lets take what we want from these military guys they won't notice! Hmm... so what would those tax cuts for the rich pay for anyway?!?

Lets see...Let’s play the “Would You Rather?” game:

–Give 122.7 Million Children Low-Income Health Care Every Year For Ten Years

–Give 49.2 Million People Access To Low-Income Healthcare Every Year For Ten Years

–Provide 43.1 Million Students With Pell Grants Worth $5,500 Every Year For Ten Years

–Provide 31.5 Million Head Start Slots For Children Every Year For Ten Years

Provide VA Care For 30.7 Million Military Veterans Every Year For Ten Years - OOPS!! OH WELL!

–Provide 30.4 Million Scholarships For University Students Every Year For Ten Years

Hire 4.19 Million Firefighters Every Year For Ten Years

–Hire 3.67 Million Elementary School Teachers Every Year For Ten Years

–Hire 3.6 Million Police Officers Every Year For Ten Years

–Retrofit 144.6 Million Households For Wind Power Every Year For Ten Years

–Retrofit 54.2 Million Households For Solar Photovoltaic Energy Every Year For Ten Years

So who did you vote for?
Dear Rodram, Couple of comments on your latest post. In the year 2049 There will be an estimated 100 million children total in the US. Hopefully we can curb this out of control spending so that everyone of those kids are not in poverty. Child I also noted in your post that you mention 7 give or provide out of 11 programs. If you dont mind I will count the provides as gives just for my #'s. The only one of those that have provided anything to this nation are the Vets. They served this nation and are owed everything that we can provide them. I am sure you are going to bring up teachers, police and firemen who provide an invaluable service to their communties. As such I think it is the community that should hire them, not ship money off to D.C. so that they may send it back to the communities to hire these men and women. Seems kinda of a waste. As far as pell grant and getting kids into college that is my job for my kids, your job for your kids and so on down the line. If you cant afford it then make wonderful grades in High School go take out a loan like the people of previous generations and put yourself through school and then pay back the loans. As soon as solar and wind power are economically feasible I cant wait to pay for it myself cut my high electric cost and save the enviroment. Capitalism does work except on college campus. On the other hand as long as it is more expensive and not cost effective I sure dont want my govenment to pay for millions of households with my tax money so that liberals can feel that they are saving the world from us conservatives. I know its your job as liberals, but have George Soros foot the bill. Sincerely DBBogey
Gladman's Avatar
Did someone above reply with a list of figures indicating government jobs other than defense are more important than defense of the democracy the government requires? How naive.
Dear Gladman, To my chagrin I forgot to mention Czar's their just as important as the military to this great nation. My favorite was Van Jones wish the conservatives had not gotten him fired. I think this nation needs a self proclaimed communist hired by the president to help set policy. Sincerely DBBogey
Gladman's Avatar
Dear Gladman, To my chagrin I forgot to mention Czar's their just as important as the military to this great nation. My favorite was Van Jones wish the conservatives had not gotten him fired. I think this nation needs a self proclaimed communist hired by the president to help set policy. Sincerely DBBogey Originally Posted by dbbogey
LOL, DB! Nice add-on to RR's list of non-defense federal govt jobs which keep the sky from falling.
Rodram's Avatar
Did someone above reply with a list of figures indicating government jobs other than defense are more important than defense of the democracy the government requires? How naive. Originally Posted by Gladman
Hey Gladman, you have some unfinished business don't you? Don't remember?
Let me refresh your memory:

Gladman, you said this: "Anyone familiar with Dostoevski's works might have inferred the same thing I did. I can't expect everyone to understand my words or meanings. That's not my right, nor anyone else'e. Your question was self-evident. Therefore, zen. If you don't get my meaning, I apologize. I know with that "A" in your avatar, you refuse to get Dostoevski's meaning either."

I responded with this: More bullshit! Quit running around my questions and answer them! That's what you should be doing instead of misdirection from the subject and then claiming the "you're not understanding" crap.

Tell me about Dostoevsky and why existentialism could be applied to that subject.
Here is what my answer was to you on dennisrn PROVIDER'S NOTES thread:

Originally Posted by Gladman
Thanks. I still missed the humor, but I admit I'm biased. The title reminded me a bit of Dostoevski, especially considering the subject.

Rodram: "In respects to what dennisrn posted, I note some epistemological nihilism and political nihilism with an overarching cognitive dissonance, which by the way, I've noticed in many conservatives when debating general and political issues."

I just told you what I think about conservatism in terms that you should understand if you're going to reference Dostoevsky, so where's your rebuttal? Or are you gonna keep running around the ring and refuse to fight and debate me?

Just what does my avatar mean Gladman? What and whom does that "A" reference? Why would that "A" cause you to believe I would not acknowledge Doestevsky?

Explain yourself!

Quit being a typical republican and finish what you started.
Rodram's Avatar
Hey dbbogey, would you do me a favor and separate your comments by subject or statement if you would. I know it's not grammatically correct, but It makes it easier for all of us to read. Thanks!
Rodram's Avatar
Just a general observation I would like to point out to everyone.
Does anyone ever notice when I get into it with these "conservatives" that they never give any evidence or numbers, graphs or links to support what they're saying?
I give real evidence and facts supported by links so you may reference them and in turn fact check me.
Remember what I've said here and watch what happens when I get into it with dbbogey.
Rodram's Avatar
db, in June I posted a thread in this forum called "The Wealthy, The Poor and Taxes" and in this thread you never answered my challenges to your assertions. Not unlike Gladman, you seem to have a habit of just disappearing whenever you can't answer a question or when your wrong. I will not acknowledge you or debate you any longer unless you answer my questions. Here it is:

db, I see where you're coming from on your response without facts or numbers and I understand. Now that you are using numbers that changes now correct?

Conservative mantra is no taxes under any circumstance. See Grover Norquist and his pledge that all republicans most sign before going into office.

You said this: "I stated my opinion only about why I dont think raising taxes is the answer to this nations problems."

Can you give me the evidence that raising taxes is not the answer to our nations current debt?

You said this: "And part of that problem is helping to make people not responsible for themselves and using the have and have not philosophy to convince people that raising taxes and giving money to those people is what their responsiblity as leaders is."

Who are these people that are receiving money and what percentage is responsible for the debt?

Ok, I'll leave it there until you answer and then we'll move on.

I sure hope your not going to disappear again db.
gooose's Avatar
I myself would like to be able to see providers that some rich hobbyist paid for. Its just not fair that they can afford to hobby 3-4 times a week and I can barely afford once a month. Any rich liberals out there wanna help out. Not looking for a hand up just handouts.
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 07-28-2011, 08:15 AM
I'd even take a hand job from a top of the line provider if it was pre-paid by someone else LOL