The Political Flow Chart

When top level guys look down,
they see only s­­­­­----heads;

When bottom level guys look up, they see

only a­­­­­­­-- holes.

Ever seen a Flow Chart described so clearly.
Rakhir's Avatar
That about sums it up!
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
America Held Hostage!!!
Rodram's Avatar
America Held Hostage!!! Originally Posted by Nutting Buckeye
Nutting Buckeye, I have been here quite some time arguing, debating, pointing out political trends, hypocrisies, and republican obstructionism with facts, graphs and supporting articles that would be enough to run an entire campaign and you just did more than I could've ever done with a simple graphic on someone else's political cartoon. The most prolific example of Occams razor I have ever seen.

I'm going to drink a fifth and pass out now. Good night.