Al Sharpton to MSNBC.....

.....After hosting MSNBC’s six o’clock hour for nearly six months, Cenk Uygur is officially leaving the network.

He'll be replaced by an unlikely figure:

just one of the King's (or should I say a potential Czar) of quid pro quo!!

Perfect example portrayed in the lunch picture as if he can't wait to "lick his bone".

this will certainly add validity to the network ===>
gooose's Avatar
MSNBC doesnt like to offer alternate views so he'll fit right in.
Rodram's Avatar
Agreed, I like Al as a community activist, but his show stinks, he has no debate skills and he does not have the political acuity to be in that position. He'll be gone before long and I don't think that show is actually his to tell you the truth. Usually MSNBC will make an announcement about a new host and they never did that for him, nor does he have a blog like the other hosts do.