Reviews/Spa Reviews

I was reading the spa reviews forum and wanted to touch upon something.

That spa has been around Omaha for least two decades that I know of. LE has known about them for about the same amount of time I'm guessing. By putting the address in the review, you're not telling LE something they don't already know. Now, whether or not LE wants to act on it, that's up to them.

If you don't post the name or general location, how are you helping out your follow hobbyists by posting a review?

I personally don't see anything wrong with having the address in the review because the spa is open to the PUBLIC. They're in the phone book, they do depend on the public to walk into the doors to pay the bills.

Now, posting a providers address would be a HUGE no no because it could be a private residence and unlike the spa, its NOT open to the public.

Hopefully I helped make some points more clearer.
Thank you for making those points clear. I was not going to comment on the matter because it will turn into a he said, she said situation. Obviously a personal opinion on the matter.

If were up to myself and I found a provider i really liked I would not put a review up. This way the fewer appointments she would make and the more available it would be for me. However that is not how this hobby works. Quality information and point in conversation keeps us all safe. Plus it will hopefully bring them in quality clients.
Actually it has been open longer than 20 years. Before it moved to its current location, it use to be on the backside of the plaza at 78th & Pacific. When I was just a pup I use to toss a few back at the lounge on the front of the plaza and then head to the backside for a little bit of relaxation. Actually, the first time I visited the place and the bar on the front side I was a junior in high school. Come to think of it, I'm still dong the same thing now except I have the internet and hobby cell phone. Guess guys never do grow up and still think with their little heads. A little old lady who smoked like a chimney use to run it back in the early 80's. She ended up being a friend of mine and introduced me to quite a few head turners that rocked my world and drained the wallet. Geez, I must be getting old.
poprod's Avatar
Thanks Nash. I liked your reflection of the past! Isn't it great to reflect on some of the good old days?
John Bull's Avatar
I miss my AMP's. Oh dear, I surely do!
Sigh.........yep. I was in , well, let's say Denver a short while ago. While on my way running an errand I realized I could just take a little detour.

100 later I was a very happy boy. About as close to drive-thru as it will ever get!

Since I titled this thread Reviews....I'm going to touch upon a review comment I just saw.

Ask the lady if BBBJ is available? Seriously? You NEVER ask a lady about her services and if either one of you (gent or lady) ask/answer those types of questions.....yikes!

Silly rabbits, y'all should know better.

Take advice from someone who is known within the hobby community.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Umm yea, I got that question yesterday and he got hung up on. Lets keep the calls, emails, and txts PG!! Keep the fun and all that goes with it BCD guys. And yes I know gentlemen wanna know what they are getting.. but come on now. With questions like that you will be getting absolutley nothing from me or most decent and safe providers.
Some providers it is easy to find a price for the time, but some don't always provide it easily. What is the best way to ask on the phone?
Ask them if they have a website with their times and rates listed. If they don't have a website, ask them what their "donation" for an hour of their time is.