Too Much Information

I might be telling too much here but I thought I would relate this story....

Last summer I was diagnosed with a condition that causes swelling in the testicle. It's called epi/did/ymitis. (my slash marks inserted for personal reason) Can be very painful and uncomfortable, and it was. So I get an antibiotic for it and it's taken care of.

It can come from STD or also a urinary tract infection. Needless to say this caused some panic in how to handle it but got through it. I contacted
a couple of providers I had recently seen ( although one was only for a handy, but, sometimes spit can be involved.)

Recently I had a session with a very, very under the radar provider who only very rarely will post on sipsap. So we had a session of bbbj and russian. A few days after that I began to feel a bit like I had a slight groin pull. Then I remembered I had that same feeling the previous summer when it turned out to be that condition I mentioned at the top.
So being pro-active I went in and my doc prescribed antibiotics again, as a precaution. He didn't say I had anything and couldn't tell one way or the other but the thought was to err on the side of caution and start treatment just the same.

I did contact the provider that I had seen a few days before to let her know what was up with me. Even without anything definitively being determined, I wanted to let her know the possibility. I wasn't accusing her or anything, just informing.

She appreciated me being honest and telling her.

But this is where I'm not quite sure what to think. She's suggesting in her replies that I gave her something. I suppose that's possible. It's also possible that she had something and I got it from her. Some of this confusion is, of course, being too proactive on treatment before anything was figured out. It's also possible too that if I was actually coming on with something, it's from a urinary tract infection.

So there, it's out there. I'm sure this is just way too much information....
Not TMI, a cautionary tale.
Treatment with antibiotic(s) as a precaution - did you tell your doc you had sex with risk of exposure and proceed without more testing? Not all bugs respond the same to treatment, so if you get sick again, you'd better 'fess up.
Good recovery,
The recovery is simple and easy. Thanks for the good wishes.

I must admit I'm a bit surprised this hasn't garnered more comments yet. If anyone wants to say anything critical please feel free. Even if you wish to be very personal in your comment.

I'm not sure what to think about the recent provider I saw who has basically said it was my fault. Does this lay dormant in me and rise up every now and then? Nothing I've read would suggest that. She mentioned in communication to me that she developed an "infection" in her mouth, so isn't it possible that I picked it up from her? Couldn't she have had that before she saw me? She says she appreciates me telling her, but NOT after the fact. After the fact? Am I obligated to tell her that last summer I had this incident? I don't think so. It happened and was dealt with.

So I'm just not sure what to think about that comment.