What surprised you the most

This is mainly for the providers, but clients can chime in as well. When you first got into the the hobby, I'm sure you had some expectations. What surprised you the most after you have seen several people?
Omahan's Avatar
What surprised me the most was how many people I got to know and consider to be great friends, providers and hobbyists both.
burkalini's Avatar
What suprised me the most is how many fun loving gals are in this business. Other than the obvious the conversations were great. Also there is a small amount of providers that are true users. The ole smile while I twist the knife type. I guess I am saying is I was very naive when I entered in the hobby two years ago.
Nothing surprises me, but then again I'm the fetish/domme queen. lol

I figured now not much would, but maybe the first month you decided to become a provider.

What surprised me is how educated many of the providers are, really nice as it seems you can always find something to talk about.
Number of nice people I have met, only 1 dishonest person and she retired. Name on written request, lol.
I was surprised by how many providers are married. The first two women I saw were. My current ATF is, and my reliable, last resort go to gal, is also.
Another surprise was told to me by a Minneapolis provider, that many providers are lesbians. She said she's gotten a lot of calls from other providers who were gay who wanted to date her, however, she is solidly hetero.
The discrepancy in attitudes about the job by providers. It seems you have two levels, the ladies that love their job, their clients, and look forward to making themselves and their customers happy. The other end is those that are really nothing more than machines that can't match the enthusiasm of most streetwalkers. There seems to be very little middle ground. There is, however, a great deal of consistency. If a provider is a "good one", you can almost ALWAYS count on that same level of attention. If they're bad, they ain't going to get any better.

No as far as a single session surprise???

That's easy. I called an agency in an un-named town because a cute blonde spinner type was listed but didn't show her face. When she arrived at my door she was the daughter of one of my best friends (and it's even more personal than that, but I won't go into that here).

I'd say that was pretty surprising.

kendra kayy's Avatar
Oh geez KcJack, that must have been something! Since I knew a couple ladies that were already providers before I started off, I kinda knew what to expect. What surprised me was how very sweet some gentlemen can be. I have met some very wonderful ppl through out my last 6 years of providing and I will say that is what keeps me going.
That's easy. I called an agency in an un-named town because a cute blonde spinner type was listed but didn't show her face. When she arrived at my door she was the daughter of one of my best friends (and it's even more personal than that, but I won't go into that here). Jack Originally Posted by ksjack
The quesiton we're asking is did you cancel and each go your separate ways, or did you both laugh, realize the humor and what you had in common and enjoy the pleasure of each other's company?
Yes, ALL inquiring minds want to know !!!!
The quesiton we're asking is did you cancel and each go your separate ways, or did you both laugh, realize the humor and what you had in common and enjoy the pleasure of each other's company? Originally Posted by SR Only
Honestly, after a somewhat awkward silence, I asked if she was hungry and we went to IHOP for a 1:00 am breakfast. We talked about how and why we each started in and view the hobby over breakfast. Neither of us have ever spoken of it again.

Nothing BCD?
  • Gulf2
  • 05-11-2011, 09:10 AM
Great thread. Looking forward to more responses since I'm assuming everyone involved, male and female, has had a surprise or two in this hobby.

I'll summarize my greatest surprises about the providers and the gentlemen alike. The latter first.

I've been surprised over the years how many gentlemen miss the "big picture" of the game. They try to get involved but have trouble and end up disillusioned with many women mad at them. They don't realize the basics that every time a woman opens the door to a new client, it's scary. So the ladies are going to try to screen for their own safety. And because it's a business, they have the right to set and hold their fees without the worry of aggressive negotiation from the clients. Further, they have a normal, human hope of a nice tip if they do a good job. Finally, they have a right be be treated respectfully, which includes the gentleman being sober and clean. I've been surprised how many hobbyists ignore these things and wonder why the profession is so full of "bitches." I've been surprised to learn that when the woman is declared a "bitch" the odds of the gentleman being an idiot and a boor are pretty high. It's usually a two-way street and the only side I can control is my own.

But with regards to that other side, I've had some surprises of the providers as well. I think many of them miss the big picture as well. Most of the gentlemen I've met "around these parts" have been decent, great guys. I've had lunch and drinks with many. I've taken trips with two. And I've met others in "distant lands" for tours of their playgrounds. Most of them have been hardworking, professional guys with a little streak of energy that isn't being bled off elsewhere so they turn to the hobby. They feel bad that they can't schedule their needs three months in advance and cancel with a 48 hour notice, but there isn't much they can do about it. When the mood hits, it hits. And schedules are tough for hard-working guys who get hit by moods! I've often been surprised by the attitudes of providers who don't understand this and pretend to be so elite and in-demand that they don't even express concern for these guys. And I've been surprised by the failure of many providers to understand that TCB (taking care of business--returning calls, emails, PM's, etc.) is a huge thing to most professional men. It's not all about who has the best breast photos.

Perhaps my biggest surprise, though, is how many big, big hearts I've found inside this hobby. I mean, wow. When there is a tragedy, these boards light up. When a gentleman or a provider needs help, rescue here is never far away. We may quip at one another and snip at each other's heals but I have a great sense that there is an underlying common bond between most folks around here that is pretty special. I'm glad to be a part.

All the best to you all.
