Meet n' Greet - May 26th

OK, I decided to start a new thread to save everyone from having to weed through 5 pages just to find the needed information. Here is what I need from everyone. Also, if you have any questions, please call me. If you wish for someone else to join the party, have them contact me directly and I will screen them.

OK gents......I need your references by the end of next week. The cut off date for submitting said references is Monday, May 16th.

Please copy/paste this form into an email/PM to me. Make sure you fill it out of course.

1. Hobbyist name:_________________________ ______________

2. Your two provider references, including their website, email address and number:
______________________________ ______________________________ _______
______________________________ ______________________________ _______

3. Dates and general locations of where you saw your provider references:
______________________________ ______________________________ _______
______________________________ ______________________________ _______

If you have a P411 account, contact me through there and make sure you include your ECCIE handle.

Whoever is chipping in on the room, etc (guys)......needs to contact me before the end of next week. As much as I wish I could pay for everything, mama needs a new pair of shoes and is paying for her PhD program. lol

Ladies, if I could ask you to also chip in a little to help cover the cost of all that is needed. I have a list of things to get and would like to go shopping to pick everything up at the same time.

PLEASEEEEEEE post your drinking preferences so I know what to get. The snacks....well, I've decided to make a few things myself as well as purchasing some.

I'm getting very very excited for this.

Also, whatever money that has been donated to the party and isn't used....I will be donating to the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.
. . . tamales?

(Yes, I'm nagging)


- Jackie
I'm totally bummed. Lakecat told me about this M&G and at first I was hopeful because I knew I had to be in Omaha the end of May sometime. When I checked my calendar I found it's the weekend after, the first weekend in June. :-( It's an 8 hour drive for me to get to Omaha so doing it two weekends in a row just isn't happening. I may have to get hold of Jackie or Elena to console me when I do make it up there..............


Sorry you can't make it. Maybe check to see if you could move your other trip up a week? Just an idea.

But, if not......I have some tissue and a nice shoulder for you.
MsElena, very nice touch to donate extra money to the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. Good cause, and it is amazing how many women I know that have gone through breast cancer treatment. Luckily all caught early and doing well.
OK, I sent out PM's to the gents who made the 1st round draft of Elena's ProBowl. HAHAHA Sorry, I'm punchy tonight.

There's 3 guys I'm waiting to hear back on.......still. I hate when providers do NOT return calls or emails. If you didn't hear from me tonight, shoot me another PM.

I'm still waiting to see drink requests. If you don't tell me what you want, I'll end up buying PBR and Old Style beer.
Nothing wrong with PBR or Old Style, but how about Amber Bock or Dos Equis Amber? I could bring some if you want ?
After speaking with Ms. Elena this evening, I am very excited that I will actually be in town for this M&G...I'm looking forward to meeting you all and seeing some familiar Omaha faces as well!!!
Elena, I'll be bringing a bottle of Tequila Rose and Sprite. I can't drink it all (I'm a terrible lightweight - I drink rarely - so maybe someone will take advantage of me - please [HINT]), so I'm happy to share.

I also know that two or three of the people I am "road tripping" up with from KC will be bringing specialty beers (Stella Artois and some French beer that comes in a large green bottle that knocks me on my ass), and they too are delighted to share also.

I understand that tamales may be off the menu, damnit (Janet). Yes, I'm a Rocky Horror fanatic. I'll have to make do without them - but, I want you to know I really will miss them (feel bad, okay? - LOL)!

I may also be able to entice a young lady I know that has been wanting to break in to this endeavor to tag along for the expereince - she's a sweetheart and as I am very bisexual in my personal life I can attest she has the sweetest little . . . . well, it wouldn't be very much like me to continue with the salient details in public. But oh, how I do love her soft, sweet, tight pink folds (she says mine are better - I don't know about that). Okay - enough, now I'm blushing and reaching for the thermostat. I can't beleive I typed that (well, yes I can).

I'm looking forward to seeing many good friends and making many new ones too! I hope that this may be the first of many successful mixers to come.

Big Kisses (and thanks for all your hard work),

- Jackie

You're soooooo bad.
After speaking with Ms. Elena this evening, I am very excited that I will actually be in town for this M&G...I'm looking forward to meeting you all and seeing some familiar Omaha faces as well!!! Originally Posted by vanity6901
You girls are killing me! It's been something like 3 years since I've seen you Vanity and I miss your smile so much.................

I think I'll just go shoot myself in the foot or something so it will take my mind off not being able to make it.


You're soooooo bad. Originally Posted by MsElena
LOL, maybe my idea wasn't too far off track that I sent in PM to you.

Darlin', nothing sexual will be happening at that M&G. No spankings, no groping, etc.

The M&G is for introducing people who maybe are on the fence about seeing a lady, putting a face to the screen name, trading stories, etc.

Call me a prude, but in public.....I'm a total lady. In private, that's a different story.
lakecat's Avatar
Elena, you bring up some great points. This will be my first M&G, so I'm not an expert, but I think the expectations should be clear to everyone. As much as all us horn dogs would like it to be, this isn't an orgy. Early on you mentioned that nothing illegal will be allowed (that would include sex, drugs, etc. I'm sure). Like you said, it will be nice to put faces to names and have a chance to meet someone so you feel comfortable that you'll have fun at a later date, swap stories and just generally pass the time with good, like minded folks with cocktails, food and pretty women. Looking forward to it!!
For drinks I'm pretty easy to satisfy. I like beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow.

Bud Light, Busch Light, Coors Light, Amber Bock, Guiness, pretty much anything but wheat beers. If I go to a brew pub, I generally get some of the darker beers. I will only have 1 or 2, as I will have drive when over.