Ok can someone anyone explain why clients do no calls no shows?!
It just makes me so angry!
Maybe if you need to spank someone I'll have to volunteer........gulp! lol
Your so funny mp2!
snowbeard's Avatar
Because they are either jerks, or so afraid of what they have committed to they don't know how to cope. No excuses for the "no show," but I know every time I have an appointment there is a degree of trepidation that follows me. Still, it is inexcusable without some kind of explanation prior to the event not happening.
Sorry this happened to you. This is not a good way to treat anyone, especially visitors to our fair community.
Yeah its not my first ncns but every time it just baffles me that they can't even text or call! Whatever my day goes on (:
It is a pain for both the ladies and the guys for NCNS. I've posted before I've had two or so times I had to cancel. One of them was a car sideswiping me on a highway. Expensive repairs and I had blue balls. I made sure I called the woman I was to meet.
burkalini's Avatar
I have never done a ncns. I have however been the recipient of ncns on the providers part. One in particular that is very popular in Omaha. I won't mention her name but she does not post on here. I do understand how you feel. Its just shows no class at all. We all have shit come up but a phone call is very easy to make. I won't go into specifics but the provider I mentioned ncns on me three times. I guess I was the idiot who believed her excuses. Oh well for every bad one there are 10 good ones. Some of the providers that post on the Omaha board are just good people so I say fuck the bad ones. lol
I'm sorry about your ncns all three times! Lol hopefully u won't end up trying to see her a fourth time!
I can see where a NS might happen, last minute things come up. I know I had set up an appointment early for the next day, but woke up not feeling well that morning. I sent a text message at 6 am telling the provider I was sick and wouldn't make it down for the 9 am appointment. She sent a text back letting me know it was OK. I did get a chance to see her a couple months later.

You might send a text and give him 24 hours to respond, but I'd definitely put him on the " I don't want to see him " list you have.
The person was probably not serious about the appt. to begin with. Either that or they just chickened out. It makes me think that might be a reason some providers only take guys over a certain age? Sorry it happened to you. I wanted you to stay in Omaha yesterday..........

Burk: I think I know the provider you are talking about from some previous posts. If it is, I got communication from her until I was sitting in the parking lot outside her hotel. Then nothing. Oh it pissed me off. She got a couple good reviews on here and I am tempted, but won't be made a fool again. But this thread isn't about us.

Sorry Alexis!