A Confederancy of Dunces!

Guess who!
That would be the brainless dipshits asking the questions at the televised impeachment hearings .....
Dev Null's Avatar
Like Devin Nunes, for example. He sure got schooled today.

He argued that impeachment was a sham because there was no quid pro quo, right before Gordon Sondland testified that there was a quid pro quo. No wonder the defeated look on his face went viral when they broke for recess.

Then he refers to Alexander Vindman as "Mr. Vindman", when the placard in front of him clearly said "Lt. Col. Vindman".

"Ranking member, it's Lt. Col. Vindman, please."

He is clearly flailing and very much out of his element, whatever that might be.
Dev Null's Avatar
Now it turns out that Devin Nunes is in cahoots with Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born associate of Rudy Giuliani who was recently arrested for campaign finance violations.

Apparently Parnas got Nunes in touch with Viktor Shokin to help Trump dig up dirt on Joe Biden and son. Shokin is the Ukrainian ex-prosecutor who was ousted for failing to pursue corruption cases.


Nunes is the top Republican in the House Intelligence Committee. Talk about the fox guarding the hen-house!

Looks like the impeachment inquiry will not be winding down soon, and we may be in for a major shake-up in the House leadership. Not to mention the spectacle of one of the questioners possibly being called to testify.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Its funny how all of a sudden the Repugnant party and Nunes are peddling this latest bunch of BS, that Ukraine are the real instigators of the 2016 election against Trump. Boy, its taken them all this time to come up with the latest load of codswallop. The US intelligence have just informed the Senate that it was Russia all long and Ukraine is a genuine ally not the enemy.
However now we've got Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley both Senators are demanding the State Dept documents pertaining to the alleged Ukraine election interference. WTF....oh and I'm sure that they are under orders from Trump and the WH to try to dig up this latest pile of dirt/Nonsense
Lets see where this goes. The amount of lies and propaganda the Repugnants is quite astounding.