Just Curious !!!

nastashastacks's Avatar
Hey there Pensacola !!
It's been awhile since I've visited the area (pre-pandemic) and I will be returning on soon to hang out for a few days and enjoy some beach and sun before the school year kicks in!!
I wanted to see if there are any events going on that would be interesting to check out, Or avoid LOL, also any nice places to eat maybe smaller local places ?!

Thanks in advance
Doesn't look like there are big events in town until September. Here is a link to see some minor or regular event happening around town. Hope that helps!
nastashastacks's Avatar
Awesome, thank you Wingman!!
I was hoping that I could avoid excessive traffic so it looks promising!!
I like Hub Stacey’s and of course every one is big on Mcquires (I’m not much of a fan though)