Worse than Nixon. This administration is corrupt to the core. Read the synopsis...

Ex-CBS reporter: Government agency bugged my computer

In her new memoir, Sharyl Attkisson says a source who arranged to have her laptop checked for spyware in 2013 was “shocked” and “flabbergasted” at what the analysis revealed.

“This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn’t have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America,” Attkisson quotes the source saying.

She speculates that the motive was to lay the groundwork for possible charges against her or her sources.

Attkisson says the source, who’s “connected to government three-letter agencies,” told her the computer was hacked into by “a sophisticated entity that used commercial, nonattributable spyware that’s proprietary to a government agency: either the CIA, FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency.”

The breach was accomplished through an “otherwise innocuous e-mail” that Attkisson says she got in February 2012, then twice “redone” and “refreshed” through a satellite hookup and a Wi-Fi connection at a Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The spyware included programs that Attkisson says monitored her every keystroke and gave the snoops access to all her e-mails and the passwords to her financial accounts.

“The intruders discovered my Skype account handle, stole the password, activated the audio, and made heavy use of it, presumably as a listening tool,” she wrote in “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.”

But the most shocking finding, she says, was the discovery of three classified documents that Number One told her were “buried deep in your operating system. In a place that, unless you’re a some kind of computer whiz specialist, you wouldn’t even know exists.”

“They probably planted them to be able to accuse you of having classified documents if they ever needed to do that at some point,” Number One added.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This wouldn't happen in a free country.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They did more than bug her computer, they planted evidence of a crime that she didn't commit. Evidence that they could have "discovered" and used to either shut her up, shut her down, or send her to prison with her credibility in tatters. Whoever made this decision should go to prison. Whoever carried it out should never work in government again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is a major crime. I wonder if the Justice Department will investigate?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-28-2014, 02:28 AM
This is a major crime. I wonder if the Justice Department will investigate? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Will never happen with this crew in charge.
Based on Sheryl Atkinson's book and reporting, CBS was asked to comment on it's role in hiding stories that are unfavorable to Obama....
In her new book, “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington,” Attkisson charges that CBS higher-ups quashed her reporting on the deadly attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, as well as reports on the federal “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and the president’s ObamaCare debacle.

Everyone from network CEO Les Moonves to “Evening News” anchor Scott Pelley to former “Evening News” Executive Producer Patricia Shevlin ignored repeated phone calls and e-mails from The Post seeking comment on the bombshell claim by ex-CBS investigative ace Sharyl Attkisson.


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2014, 08:29 AM
This is a surprise to anyone?
cowboy8055's Avatar
This is a major crime. I wonder if the Justice Department will investigate? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Probably not. That shouldn't be surprising.
lustylad's Avatar
Are we using this spyware on the Iranians?
Yeah, she lost her job at CBS and is now pushing book sales looks like.

You idiots truly will buy anything anybody that is anti-Obama is selling.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, she lost her job at CBS and is now pushing book sales looks like.

You idiots truly will buy anything anybody that is anti-Obama is selling. Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy, if what she says isn't true, please point it out. Seems to me her claims fall well within the parameters for corruption this White House has set for itself. So if you have something that shows she's lying, please provide the info.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2014, 05:10 PM
Are we using this spyware on the Iranians? Originally Posted by lustylad

Our Tea'peckers think the only spying this administration can do correctly is on it's own citizens!

"...According to a story published late yesterday by Erik Wemple at the Washington Post, "Number One" was just the first of at least three individuals who examined Attkisson's computer for signs of tampering. The next individual is identified by the pseudonym "Jerry Patel." Patel, who was hired by CBS News as an outside expert, concludes, "someone has accessed this box." Though he can't say who, he suggests the level of skill involved is, "far beyond the the abilities of even the best non-government hackers."

Timmy, if what she says isn't true, please point it out. Seems to me her claims fall well within the parameters for corruption this White House has set for itself. So if you have something that shows she's lying, please provide the info. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Her computer was hacked while she worked at CBS News. We know the Obama admistration did something similar to reporter James Rosen and were caught in 2010; why do you think Sharyl Attkisson at CBS News would be off limits ?

Despite public statements, this administration is after is no friend of the 1st Ammendment. .

You are the perfect imbecile for this administration.

Yeah, she lost her job at CBS and is now pushing book sales looks like.

You idiots truly will buy anything anybody that is anti-Obama is selling. Originally Posted by timpage
It only gets worse; apparently the Obama administration created fake web sites to lure whistleblowers. They then installed sophisticated spyware on the unsuspecting users. Worse, they created phony news stories using the Associated Press brand (and copyrights presumably.

Are we living in the old USSR circa 1960's ? This administration makes the Stasi look like Founding Fathers.