If You Think Obama Is Bad Now

Wait Until After the Midterm Elections...


boardman's Avatar
Obama's really gonna turn into a whiny bitch.

And the Republicans still won't get anything done because he'll veto everything they send his way.

Mitch McConnell will take over as majority leader in the Senate and he'll be as bad as dingy Harry.

Bernard Goldberg was talking about the possible Senate turnover last night on Hannity. Didn't seem too thrilled. He said that Republican leadership in their dark suits and red ties will look like a bunch of morticians. They'll probably act like it too. LOL

Republican candidates will most likely win because the Dem voters aren't nearly as motivated as Rep. voters to turn out. That's going to give the Republicans a false sense of confidence and no motivation to reconcile differences between the hard right and the moderates.

In other words, it will be the same shit different day.

There's plenty to impeach Obama but what do you get then...Biden? Hell. Biden is Obama's security against impeachment.