End of times

david1978's Avatar
There is a group that claim that the world will end in May 21, 2011. What are people's thoughts on this?
The idiot that spent all his money on advertsing the end of days is sure going to be pissed come May 22nd!
Is this different than the Mayan calendar? I can't keep track of these Apocalyptos, nor found a way to make money off them.
I posted a comment on this on another thread. Last year I met the Mayans. They say the world is not ending. Hollywood made it all up and they are not happy about it.
david1978's Avatar
Different than the predictions based on the mayan calendar- due date for this one is sometime in December 2012.

The May 21 date is the result of same convoluted mathematical formula based on bible facts- the dude behind it is a multi-millionaire, as pointed out by likinikki, that spent alot of money on advertisement.
eccietime's Avatar
Different than the predictions based on the mayan calendar- due date for this one is sometime in December 2012.

The May 21 date is the result of same convoluted mathematical formula based on bible facts- the dude behind it is a multi-millionaire, as pointed out by likinikki, that spent alot of money on advertisement. Originally Posted by david1978
I think that the world is ending on December 21, 2012. So, when you buy something do it with the no interest for 2 years and you;ll be OK!!!
There is a group that claim that the world will end in May 21, 2011. What are people's thoughts on this? Originally Posted by david1978
First off there has been groups for the last 30-40 years that have been predicting the end times. I would like to know what qualifys these idiots to sell the idea to all of us that the world will end on a specific date. I don't think God put an expiration date on his creation and if their is one why would he let any of us know. So if I am around when the world does finally end, be it flooding, Fire, or any natural disaster. I will do what I can to survive in the best way I can, and if anyone gets in my way their fucked.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
If you miss it here's the door tag they leave.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.....

Anyhow, I wonder if the joker who is promoting this has cashed out and given away all of his money, too. Of-course-the-fuc*ing-not...lol. I'm sure his rationale is that no one will need it.....hmmm well, not anyone that matters.

There could be an up side to this, however - we won't have to read any more of Marshall's posts!
DallasRain's Avatar
I thought it was the Mayans that predicted 2012?

BTW gratz Dallas on 10k post!!!
I heard it's not til 6 o clock...is that Pacific time?
A friend from Philly sent this to me. Its from an actual newscast yesterday.
Attached Images File Type: jpg rapture.jpg (90.7 KB, 55 views)
A friend from Philly sent this to me. Its from an actual newscast yesterday. Originally Posted by MsElena
One of things I have on my Bucket list is Anal sex. If I wake up sore tmrrw I'm gonna be soooo pissed. Lol lol