Dude injects his dick with stem cells for growth.

MoviePrince's Avatar
yeah...stick needles in your dick what could go wrong??
rexdutchman's Avatar
oh damn
Naughty_Piper's Avatar
Yeah, sounds like that could really hurt, but if it works I guess...
Hank3fan's Avatar
I didn’t even read the article. Where do I go to get this?!?!?!?
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Wow. Interesting over the last few years a couple regulars of mine have started coming by and I swear their cocks are growing. These are mature men. I've been wondering what the catch is.
Other than this article.... I wonder how many methods out there really work on making it bigger?
pyramider's Avatar
I thinck I will stick with my 1.3" of dangling death, I do not like sharp objects near it.
Truckerman86's Avatar
I'm down..
jayt4567's Avatar
dick transplant? is it possible?