Question for providers - msog?

A question for providers. What would be the motivation for NOT providing msog? There is a provider that I would love to see, but she is very upfront about not providing more than 1 shot. And for 250 there are just too many cheaper and more liberal providers out there. So I'm curious as to the reasons why someone might be closed to this.

Outthere serious?

Five pump chumps are the reason...they get $250 for ten minutes then you get to leave...
So they can get rid of you and get to another paying customer quickly.

Just be up front. If you want MSOG, and willing to pay for it, and she says no, take your business elsewhere. Keep in mind, you are the customer.
Toreador_one's Avatar
Is she advertising $250 for a shot or $250 for the hour? If it is the first take your business somewhere else
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Also beware of the "up to 1 hour"

Sure sign she is not msog....

I really doubt, their ad would say "up to 1 hour" even if it is the case. They have no worry about getting false advertising complaint filed with state AG, why would they have to word their ad so accurately? For your own good?

Also beware of the "up to 1 hour"

Sure sign she is not msog....

NEXT Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I saw one not too long ago that said multiples allowed within an hour however after my 2nd pop well within 30 mins and plenty of time for more she only 2 allowed and that another would cost additional.

Needless to say I was disappointed. If you only allow two fine just say so dammit.

No way I would see a provider that only allowed one popfor 250. But she has a right to charge whatever she pleases for whatever reason and I have the right to choose to see her or not.
She did not think you can pop like soda cans.

I saw one not too long ago that said multiples allowed within an hour however after my 2nd pop well within 30 mins and plenty of time for more she only 2 allowed and that another would cost additional.

Needless to say I was disappointed. If you only allow two fine just say so dammit.

No way I would see a provider that only allowed one popfor 250. But she has a right to charge whatever she pleases for whatever reason and I have the right to choose to see her or not. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Aparrently not lol but it's kinda common knowledge around here
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I really doubt, their ad would say "up to 1 hour" even if it is the case. They have no worry about getting false advertising complaint filed with state AG, why would they have to word their ad so accurately? For your own good? Originally Posted by futile

There were just the 1st few I saw.

Like I out for the "up to 1 hour"
I'm curious as to the reasons why someone might be closed to this. Originally Posted by Outthere
She secretly loathes men and views them as walking ATMs with erections.

Take a pass. I'm a one-shot hobbyist, but lack of MSOG is indicative of an attitude I choose to avoid. Same with CBJ.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
lack of MSOG is indicative of an attitude I choose to avoid. Same with CBJ. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

'Scuse me for jumping out the pew and hollering but sometimes the spirit moves a believer.

Single shot, CBJ...attitude indicators, not just unpopular mechanics.

To you girls who want to be the best at what you do: You don't just allow MSOG, you friggin' insist on it....AND you take the initiative for Bell 2. You do that, you 9th dan courtesan and unkie donny love you long long time, never ever leave you ever no more. Promise.
What about the ones that claim to offer it but won't help a brutha in the way of getting him started again?

is that the same thing to the guys? to me if i was the would be..

I mean..if I pop..should the girl atleast not politely ask "so you wanting to have some more fun".. let him tell you "no i'm good"..or whatever.. and if he says yes..and that means you gotta "work" at getting him up again..then so be it? or if they are not willing to "help you out" does that mean they truly aren't MSOG? or what?

always wondered..cuz while some are upfront..many know its career suicide to admit to not wanting to let a guy get off more than once.. but won't do anything in the way of initating which is worse? knowing up front..or having the girl cleverly avoid msog
Killersalt's Avatar
I really doubt, their ad would say "up to 1 hour" even if it is the case. They have no worry about getting false advertising complaint filed with state AG, why would they have to word their ad so accurately? For your own good? Originally Posted by futile
I've seen a ton of ads like that. It means pay for an hour, but you really should be gone in 10 minutes.

The trick is you can't go out with a full load. The session shouldn't be your first pop of the day, or you're 10 min and out.
Combustion's Avatar
I've seen a ton of ads like that. It means pay for an hour, but you really should be gone in 10 minutes.

The trick is you can't go out with a full load. The session shouldn't be your first pop of the day, or you're 10 min and out. Originally Posted by Killersalt
See I understand wanting to get your full time, but if I'm scheduling its because I don't want to do that its what she is for. So I just pick someone who is msog