Anita Nicole P.O.D.

Congrats on making provider of the day............
jhndsi's Avatar
Congrats Anita! Hopefully our schedules will align one of these days!
Captain Gus's Avatar
Anita for the great service that you have provided to all of us;
  • anita
  • 11-11-2010, 11:26 AM
Aww thanks, I have never been P.O.D. Thanks again.
How do you become P.O.D? just wondering... is it vote, random pick or anniversary of account opened?
Congrats Anita

I hope its a profitable day for you...:-)
Congrats Anita! U deserve it!
low end theory's Avatar
congrats anita,

hope to see you again.

jacksparrow's Avatar
congratulations young lady!!
AshrDashr's Avatar
Congrats Anita!!
pyramider's Avatar
Who is bringing the Happy POD cake?