What do you think is worse tax.

Ripmany's Avatar
Let's face when ever government charges you it take money out for silliness.
tariffs are a tax on people, printing money causes inflation, fine that don't equity restitution are tax, like paying a million dollars for have part time employee working full-time with benefits.
eyecu2's Avatar
I think all taxes are bad, but I like to drive on nice highways, and am not in favor of crime, or people doing fucked-up shit. I would say there were likely a few missing. GAS tax in PA is out of hand, 55 cents a gallon is ridiculous, and things like registering vehicles annually, etc. is fucking crazy too. I know some states make you pay a personal property tax. Fuck that, I'd never own a damn thing, it would all be in a shell corporation in delaware. My friend Hunter told me about that!

Lastly- the dumbest and biggest tax is HOTEL taxes. Like a per room per night tax of 20% in some places. It's a faaaaking joke. Not sure when the states become so money loving grubbing but even the tax for liquor in PA is reflective from the Johnstown PA flood. As a result of the damage from the 1936 Johnstown, PA flood, the Pennsylvania General Assembly imposed an emergency tax on all alcohol sold in the Commonwealth. The "temporary" 10% tax was initially intended to help pay for clean up, recovery, and assistance to flood victims. Temporary tax turned permanent, just like to tolls to go on the PA turnpike, (the nations first turnpike mind ya), which was set to expire on 10 yrs after it's completion- When it opened in 1940, tolls were supposed to be a temporary measure until the road was paid for in about a decade. Today, the Turnpike is facing nearly $10 billion of debt as tolls go to pay for other PennDOT projects.

PA has never met a toll or tax it didn't like.
Let's face when ever government charges you it take money out for silliness.
tariffs are a tax on people, printing money causes inflation, fine that don't equity restitution are tax, like paying a million dollars for have part time employee working full-time with benefits. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Transforming an immoral act into a moral act without ever changing the act itself is how Government can steal from you through taxation. Tax Laws are put on paper with many signatures which authorizes them to take your property without your consent, that's theft.
Ripmany's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
See now cares sorry.