List Your Undeniable Examples of Democrat Media Lies Here.

HoHound's Avatar
Covington Catholic Kids, Jussie Smollett, Bubba Wallace, Russian Collusion, Steele Dossier, the Pea Tape, Hunters Laptop, Inflation is Transitory, Border Agents Whipped Migrants, Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine efficacy, effectiveness of face masks, lockdowns and social distancing, COVID vax efficacy, recent stories about Aliens, Only Trump had Kids in Cages, Ukraine is a Pillar of Democracy, Ukraine is Winning the War,
Kids are killing people these days, they need to be locked up!!
That ballon was NOT a Chinese spy balloon.
.... Hillary Clinton didn't have classified documents on
her server. ....

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
"mostly peaceful protest"

"bloody insurrection"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
50 former and current intelligence officials claim Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation. That single piece of media horseshit is now costing the typical American family ~$800/month due to failed democrat fiscal policy.
Ripmany's Avatar
There only raises taxes on rich why did there lower the eBay limt from $20,000 to $600.
Michael8219's Avatar
Ray E pps, blue bull horn guy, red cap guy all removing the barricades around the cap itol and po lice waving folks inside.
Budman's Avatar
Joe Biden is mentally fit.