Anyone seen Playtoy in H'burg?

Romboid's Avatar
Romboid's Avatar
Some one help me out. I'm stuck in Hburg. Is this one real or fake...?
elcid180's Avatar
Saw her years ago so she is legit but she is tough to get ahold of.
Just reached out to her and said I saw her ad on stg . She asked where I was. I replied Hattiesburg. She replied she wasn’t in Hattiesburg. Never did say where she was. An ad even popped up on stg 30 min after our conversation. Strange.
Romboid's Avatar
Thanks guys. I'll keep trying to schedule..
Hell, brother, there's nothing wrong with "taking one for the team", (other than I think it's potentially dangerous)...I've seen at least 3 providers on the same day many times, I often just ran out of providers, interest, or money... every adventure was unique, whatever, here's my advice... you should never fight a dog in it's own backyard, make them come to you! Evel Knievel wasn't scared... He was probably a little bit crazy, he kinda had to be, lol, btw, it's your night in the barrel, Rhomboid...
elcid180's Avatar
Just texted with her and sh e said she doesn't come to Hattiesburg anymore even though she runs ads in Hattiesburg. Makes no sense.