TSA Checkpoint At Mitt Romney Political Event

SEE3772's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The TSA should be disbanded. they serve no useful purpose and are an imposition on our freedom.
Didn't they vote to unionize...............Preside nt Romney's 2nd executive order = privatize and scale back the TSA .
TSA people outside of the Airport? And who is paying for them to be at that event as well?

I agree with the sentiment, they are moving beyond the Airport next thing you know they will frisking me at the Saint's game. The TSA is a waste of money, every airport should have their own private security that follows universal rules as far as Domestic Security is concerned.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-14-2012, 07:42 AM
Search TSA and Tennessee. Currently shut down, but could show up again elsewhere.
joe bloe's Avatar
Didn't they vote to unionize...............Preside nt Romney's 2nd executive order = privatize and scale back the TSA . Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Romney should end all the federal worker unions with an executive order. John Kennedy created federal worker unions with an executive order in 1962, as a way of getting more Democrat votes.

If Romney did shut down all the federal unions overnight, it would be quite a hornets nest; but that's the sort of bold action that's needed to begin to turn things around.

TSA Checkpoint At Mitt Romney Political Event Originally Posted by SEE3772
Mitt Romney? Are you sure?

I thought his name was Mitt Gaffeney!
http://www.infowars.com/photos-tsa-c...litical-event/ Originally Posted by SEE3772
Another SE3772 Special.

A title, a link, and nothing else.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What The Fuck are these goose stepping Nazis even doing outside of a fuckin' Airport? And what are they even doing IN an Airport anyway? Frisking kids and blue-haired grannies. This has Police State written all over it. Disgusting. Thanks to the Founding Fathers for the right to bear arms. Anyone question the part about " .. all threats foreign and domestic now? You do own a gun don't you?
Another SE3772 Special.

A title, a link, and nothing else. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I like a link without a personality or attitude sometimes. Most of the time. I know how everyone feels here....fucker

But, y'all(Me) arguing is my favorite form of entertainment and I like to jump in too...fuckers
Romney probably requested it to keep the right wing radicals out...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I kinda like getting felt up.