More bad polling news for Romney

NBC News poll shows Obama leading in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

Oh, and the most recent Wall Street Journal poll says the same thing.

Even the only poll that matters to our local conservabots, Rasmussen, has Obama up a point.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
President Obama's campaign is now developing what they call in the business,

. . . The Big Mo!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
NBC News poll shows Obama leading in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

Oh, and the most recent Wall Street Journal poll says the same thing.

Even the only poll that matters to our local conservabots, Rasmussen, has Obama up a point.

Ouch. Originally Posted by timpage
Tinpage- WW said yesterday that Romney was up in the national polls- so WW will tell you that your poll is bogus even though every credible poll I checked has Obama leading.
Ducbutter's Avatar Originally Posted by Whirlaway

According to Dick Morris the discrepency between polls is largely because most polsters are using a model hat reflects voter turnout from the 2008 elections which were higher than normal. That causes a weighting of the results to Obama. Rasmussen uses a model that reflects more typical turnout.
Rasmussen gives different results depending on what party affiliation you have..LOL
LovingKayla's Avatar
The ones I check say he's leading too, but I just don't believe it. I only know 2 people that actually want Obama back in office. What in the world is the information gap we have here? There has to be a bigger reason we want him out than the fact he's a democrat. Shoot, I'd vote for Hillary. And if the dems thought about it, they'd try to get Romney in so Hillary WOULD have a chance in 2016. Because if Obama hasn't removed voting period, the democrats don't have a chance the next 8 years.

Wouldn't you guys like Hillary better than Obama? I mean really?

I mean I'd prefer rat droppings over Obama but Hillary is alright. My best friend in the world is a Hillary democrat and I trust her views and opinion more than my own. (Which I admit, it probably smart.)
LovingKayla's Avatar
And when was the last time you were polled? Who the F are these people being polled? I've never been called or asked a darn thing.
And when was the last time you were polled? Who the F are these people being polled? I've never been called or asked a darn thing. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

I was thinking the exact same thing. Sounds like it would be a decent Sandbox thread.
LovingKayla - I am having the same problem finding people that are voting for obama and yet every time I look at the news its obama leading. I Live in Kansas so our electoral votes are low but still there is no way obama can win.... I hope any way...
daty/o's Avatar
I mean I'd prefer rat droppings over Obama Originally Posted by LovingKayla
That's good, sweetheart, because those are your choices. Never heard the GOP ticket described that way, but, close enough.

Face it, dear, you're a closet Democrat. No woman with any self respect would give even the slightest consideration to R/R.
So, let's review. When Romney is behind in whatever poll, the reason is:

1. It doesn't matter. I don't believe it.

2. The United States Department of Justice is engaging in Poll-Taker Intimidation. Whirly-bird's fantasy rationale.

3. I don't know the people being polled, all my friends are voting republican.... so it can't be right. (This is a variation of #1 above).

4. The main-stream media is rigging the polls as part of the usual main-stream media campaign of hatefulness and disagreeability against Republicans, conservatives, etc etc etc.

There you have it. Carry on.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The ones I check say he's leading too, but I just don't believe it. I only know 2 people that actually want Obama back in office. What in the world is the information gap we have here? There has to be a bigger reason we want him out than the fact he's a democrat. Shoot, I'd vote for Hillary. And if the dems thought about it, they'd try to get Romney in so Hillary WOULD have a chance in 2016. Because if Obama hasn't removed voting period, the democrats don't have a chance the next 8 years.

Wouldn't you guys like Hillary better than Obama? I mean really?

I mean I'd prefer rat droppings over Obama but Hillary is alright. My best friend in the world is a Hillary democrat and I trust her views and opinion more than my own. (Which I admit, it probably smart.) Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Your post was very idiotic to say the least- I have gone to church where many reverend's/pastors, preachers,ministers have all preached saying there is a God. However, I don't know a single person who has seen God or Jesus. God hasn't appeared before you Kayla has he??? So by your logic Kayla there can't possibly be a God- since neither you nor I know of anyone who has seen God or the fact that God has not appeared before any of us. So because you have never been polled that means all polls are tainted.
If we wanted Hillary over Obama- than in 2008 the people would have done just that- you obviously know very little about politics- I laugh so much at your comments that it's not even funny more so sad because you have no clue. Hillary's views/values are closer to Obama's than Romney's on any given day- let me get this right you like Hillary and don't like Obama, but you are ok with Romney even though if he stood side by side against Hillary their views are polar opposite- go figure.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 01:03 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing. Sounds like it would be a decent Sandbox thread. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Ive been polled ...

my take is its like lotto odds to get a call

187 million voters and the polls usually consist of 1000 opinions ... dont expect your phone to ring anytime soon
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
1980-Carter leads Reagan at this point
1984-Mondale leads Reagan at this point
2000-Gore leads Bush at this point
2004-Kerry leads Bush at this point

See a pattern? I could point out that some of those leads were double digit but why rub it in.

RCP (Real Clear Politics) is a compilation of many polls to find an average. Obama leads in VA(13 votes) by less than 1%, less than 2% in Wisconsin (10 votes) and no poll later than 21 August, less than 2% in Florida (29 votes) with a more recent poll...frankly polls don't count until the last week. I defer to Chuck Todd of MSNBC. Last night he triumphantly said that according to the polls the election was over but today he is concerned about the methodology of the polls. I thought the election was over so why is he worried?