Bad omens for the GOP.

I haven't seen one single Romney/Ryan vehicle bumper sticker or yard sign. Not one. And I live in Texas.

I had some spare time the other morning and went to my barber shop. I go to one of the old-fashioned places with a barber pole out front. It's been there 40 years at the end of this month. Bunch of old guys getting their hair cut, or waiting to get their hair cut, or just hanging around the barber shop because they're all retired and got nothing else to do. Maybe 7 or 8 guys and 2 barbers, none of them less than 60 years old. All of them reliably republican, all dislike Obama. You know what they were talking about?

How Romney is going to take away their social security.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 01:49 PM
living in a Texas city that has to look so far to the left to see back to the right, I concur.

the romney yard signs and bumper stickers are very few and very far between
joe bloe's Avatar
living in a Texas city that has to look so far to the left to see back to the right, I concur.

the romney yard signs and bumper stickers are very few and very far between Originally Posted by CJ7
I was forced to remove my Romney sticker. First my car got keyed, then an employee of a grocery store, vandalized it and did about a thousand dollars in damage. Apparently he saw the Romney sticker and just went berserk. He rammed the car twice with shopping carts. Luckily the security camera recorded it and I got an insurance check for the damage.

The bottom line is a lot of Republicans don't put on bumper stickers for Romney because they know that many Dimos are vermin that will key their car.

I was forced to remove my Romney sticker. First my car got keyed, then an employee of a grocery store, vandalized it and did about a thousand dollars in damage. Apparently he saw the Romney sticker and just went berserk. He rammed the car twice with shopping carts. Luckily the security camera recorded it and I got an insurance check for the damage.

The bottom line is a lot of Republicans don't put on bumper stickers for Romney because they know that many Dimos are vermin that will key their car. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Reminds me of Rooster Cogburn's line to LoBouef in True Grit:

"If ever I meet one of you Texas waddies who ain't drunk from a hoofprint, I think I'll shake their hand."

I call bullshit on your "My car got vandalized because I had a repuke bumper sticker on it."
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, true, but you know them Tejans have to have a little more "blood" in their candidates. You know, like Mr. Disc 212 (or whatever) Glenn "The Chalkboard" Beck.

I wonder if Glenna ever got that job as his fluffer right before he goes off, er, on?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 02:29 PM
I was forced to remove my Romney sticker. First my car got keyed, then an employee of a grocery store, vandalized it and did about a thousand dollars in damage. Apparently he saw the Romney sticker and just went berserk. He rammed the car twice with shopping carts. Luckily the security camera recorded it and I got an insurance check for the damage.

The bottom line is a lot of Republicans don't put on bumper stickers for Romney because they know that many Dimos are vermin that will key their car. Originally Posted by joe bloe


the security camera is a dead give away for your bullshit ..

first ... you dont need recorded footage of your car getting trashed to collect an insurance check for the damage

second ... there are no cameras in the ghetto you live in

joe bloe's Avatar

the security camera is a dead give away for your bullshit ..

first ... you dont need recorded footage of your car getting trashed to collect an insurance check for the damage

second ... there are no cameras in the ghetto you live in

Originally Posted by CJ7
All I know is, the store manager reviewed the security video; I provided two repair bids, and I got a check from Krogers two weeks later. I assume Krogers got the money from their insurance provider. Not everyone's a liar, you're projecting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's not that, Joe. They just think that since you disagree with them, you had it coming. How dare you blaspheme the Obamessiah!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Romney already has Texas wrapped up.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 02:54 PM
All I know is, the store manager reviewed the security video; I provided two repair bids, and I got a check from Krogers two weeks later. I assume Krogers got the money from their insurance provider. Not everyone's a liar, you're projecting. Originally Posted by joe bloe
strange way of doing business ... youre lucky

in most, if not all cases your ins provider will pay for and fix any damage (this insures them against fraud, ie you keeping the check and letting the repair slide) .. once your ins co approves the repair the business where your car is parked picks up the deductable (unless the repair is less than the deductable) .. its a no fault claim and you dont see and increase in your premium price ..

apparently since Kroger paid in full the damage wasnt a great (as the deductable) as you lead everyone to believe ... what did you do with the $, buy some pussy ?

  • Laz
  • 09-14-2012, 05:48 PM
Obama will not win Texas. Why waste money on unneeded signs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 06:03 PM
I think anybody is an idiot if they put a bumper sticker on their car. To many wacko's on both sides to do something that stupid.

You deserve to get keyed if you ain't got no more sense than that!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many Cruz stickers have you seen? I even saw an Akin yard sign today and it was not my first.
Where? in your back yard??