Carney: Protests not directed at the United States

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The lengths these clowns will go to, to protect their Obamessiah. Of course the attacks are directed at the US. This "movie" crap is a convenient deflection from Obama's failed foreign policy.

This administration really thinks you're stupid.

Remember this? The President was going to heal the rift between the US and the Muslim nations. Another broken promise.

We're now being attacked all over the Muslim world, and even in London.

Movie my ass. This was coordinated and planned. Somebody dropped the ball, and it stops at the President's desk.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Denial isnt just a river in Egypt.
Maybe oboombox had something to do with the silly film. IDK
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 05:38 PM
son of a bitch .... even the brits are protecting Obie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is anti-Islamic crap posted every day on the Internet. Much of it worse than this "movie." It was just serendipitous for the administration that this came to light on the anniversary of 9-11, which is celebrated by the Islamic Jihadists by attacking Americans. It's a brilliant political move to blame the movie, rather than our incompetent President's policies, but it's not the truth.

The things you people will believe, to protect your sacred Obamessiah. Unbelievable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One riot is an event, two riots are a coincidence, three riots are happenstance,...what do you call 17 different riots including in Englandistan? To quote foriegn policy expert Joe Biden, "it's a big fucking deal."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Money cant by me love......
will buy pussy...
cptjohnstone's Avatar

The things you people will believe, to protect your sacred Obamessiah. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
when you dealing with these kinda people, you will understand
when you dealing with these kinda people, you will understand Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Fucking Hilarious CptJ. Saved it to my favorites bar and just knocked off eccie...fuck
Oh its just a co-incidence! Don't look behind the curtain! BTW, guess who's behind the attack of the Libyan Ambassador? If you would have read 2 days ago you would have known what the many are now reporting.

The protest yesterday in Cairo included a “Who’s who” of radical Islamic thugs – including the brother of Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri (on left). The sons of the blind sheik, terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (on right above) were also in attendance.
Al-Monitor reported:
hundreds of followers of Islamic movements yesterday surrounded the entrances leading to the American embassy in Cairo to denounce the film that offends the Prophet Muhammad, which was produced in collaboration with Coptic Egyptian immigrants in the United States. The US embassy had a heavy security presence in order to protect the premises.
The protest was attended by leaders of Islamic movements, most notably Mohammad al-Zawahiri, brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri; a number of sons of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the Emir of the Gamaa Islamiyya group; Sheikh Gamal Saber, coordinator of the Hazimoun movement and Sheikh Abu-Yahya al-Masri, spokesman for the Salafist “Voice of Wisdom Coalition,” which called for the protests.
Zawahiri said that the US government’s response — by issuing a statement through its embassy in Cairo condemning the producers of the video that insults the Prophet — was not enough. He added that the filmmakers should be arrested and brought to trial, like Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who was falsely accused of slander and inciting violence.
Gamal Saber, coordinator of the Hazimoun movement and co-founder of the Egyptian Umma Party, said that there is ongoing coordination between Islamic and revolutionary forces to organize a million-man demonstration in the event of the film being aired in the United States. He said that the forces are demanding that US citizenship be revoked from the Coptic Egyptian immigrants involved in the production of the film and that they be prevented from entering Egypt.
They also called for the severing of all relations with the United States and withdrawing the Egyptian ambassador from Washington, since the United States has once more allowed pastor Terry Jones — who had previously burned the Koran three times — to insult the Prophet.
Ahmad Khalil, spokesman for the Salafist Nour Party, said that the party supports all escalatory measures against the offenders of the Prophet, adding that the party will stand in the face of anyone who tries to insult Islam anywhere in the world.

EDIT: Its #1 or #2 depending on the day and the program
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nah man day jus pissed bout sum movie. GObama!