Looks Like Trump Will Win :(

beelzebubba's Avatar
Just fucking kidding... lol

Biden now holds the biggest point gap this late in any presidential race in the last 20 years.
And the gap is not shrinking.
Fatman is on his way back to Gotham.
ICU 812's Avatar
Tell us where your Safe Space is so we can send you an Emotional Support Puppy.

Its 2020 and "winter is coming", but it is 2016 all over again.

Your nightmare continues. Just when you think it will be over, you can worry about Ted Cruz or Dan Crenshaw.
beelzebubba's Avatar
You seem to know a lot about safe spaces, where’s yours?
Republicans round the nation are about to start to their diet of Similac.
If you’re nice I’ll send you a blanky and a binky.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump is done. His lovers need to get over that fact and move on from that fucking inept idiot. People are sick of his bullshit. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

He's too much drama and he handled the cooties virus like shit and he still is. Wave goodbye to that idiot. It's time for him to go.

I want to get back to being in the office and not working from home. Trump's carelessness makes that hard to for many because his retarded minions believe his every stupid word so it just continues to spread.
The deal is, Trump barely won in 2016. Some models show that he won by a mere 10000 votes between 2 districts in two different states. Trump has not increased his base or converted new voters since then. If anything his support, even from life long Republicans, has greatly diminished.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You're cheering for fucking Joe Biden, dude? You're fucking dumb.
beelzebubba's Avatar
No... like the majority of folks, I’m cheering for not Chump.
Nobody could be worse, well except you.
Truthfully I would genocide all political parties, it’s a broken system doomed to continue status quo.
Lapdog's Avatar
You're cheering for fucking Joe Biden, dude? You're fucking dumb. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

If Joe Biden is as dumb and demented as you say he is, what does that say about Trump's qualifications, polling so much worse than Biden? How's THAT working out?
beelzebubba's Avatar
Right lol
Love Trump claiming he’s running against the worst candidate in history.
The one time in history that self involved fat fuck didn’t claim himself #1.
And guess what? He is the worst ever.

And when he loses what does that make him?
Further down the chain, what does it say of his supporters?
Lapdog's Avatar
If he cannot poll better against such an unqualified candidate as Joe Biden, I sure don't want him as MY president. Right? That says everything I need to know.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I'm with the Rifleman. +1 And Scooby too.

I saw a poll last night stating that 87% of Trump supporters actually believe he will be re-elected.

Just an aside ;

In the Woodward book (with tapes of the interviews to back it up) he recounts how Kushner acknowledges that Trump tells outrageous lies and bullshit and they know it.It is done purposefully.

Then the Left scrambles to tear it down and the Right chimes in to support Trump's claims.

"Controversy Elevates Message" they feel.

After the two sides muddy up the water they think his message is elevated.

So it's ironic that we on this board are all falling prey to this manipulative shit.

I'm on my side lending to it.

But the Trumpers are going for it too cause they come on with all kinds of shit to prove the veracity of Trump's claims and those claims are actually all bullshit.

The Trumpers are being duped too.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Trump will win the title for the Grandest Supernova Flameout for a Faded Reality TV personality.
Sportfisherman, with all the concern about election interference by foreign countries, I've sometimes wondered if some of the skewers on this board are not as they are represented to be.
Just fucking kidding... lol

Biden now holds the biggest point gap this late in any presidential race in the last 20 years.
And the gap is not shrinking.
Fatman is on his way back to Gotham. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Ya say that, but here's what I've noticed since last weekend:

- Media doubling down trying to push the poll gap
- Joe announces they're putting a lid on it
- Donnie turns up the volume and starts doing 2-5 rallies a day for the last week.
- Melania, Ivanka, and Don Jr. doing rallies
- Some polls come back with Donnie doing well in the swings
- Monday Joe's team completely 180's and now he's doing rallies each day
- Barry's stumping for him
- Kamala's doing rallies.
- Dems are now telling folks to skip the mail in voting, telling people to show up in person

I dunno man, when I see one team just step on the gas, and the other do a 180 and start doing public shit despite being anemic on it the last few months, despite covid numbers going up, I'm inclined to think that the team that changes course just lost the game of chicken.

But hey, we'll see how it goes on Tuesday.
nuthin' will be finer than to see the dim media whinin'

in the eeee-eee-eve- nin