Tell Me How I Am Wrong

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Tell Me How Am I Wrong?

I vote for policy choices not personalities. There are few derogatory things one can say about Donald Trump personally that I won’t agree with. Like many persons in powerful positions in our society, Mr. Trump is a wealthy celebrity with flaws. Yet I will vote for him as president . . .not because he is a saint or messiah, but because I support many of the policies he espouses and oppose many of the policies that he opposes.
  • I am opposed to open borders and the unrestricted influx of unscreened foreign nationals.
  • I am opposed to the forced implementation of the so called “Green New Deal”
  • I support many of the suggested tax cuts.
  • I support “America First” economic policies.
  • I am opposed to allowing biological males to compete with girls and women in sporting events.
  • I support the rights of parents in the education of their children.
  • I am opposed to gender reassignment hormone “therapy” or surgery on minors.
  • I support law enforcement and oppose its’ defunding.

Tell me where I am wrong without mentioning or referring to Mr. Trump.
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Tell me where I am wrong without mentioning or referring to Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by ICU 812