What? No one has mentioned it yet?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
(this is a problem with splitting things up. I think of this as a crime problem but others will see it as political. I will post it here since this side needs some energizing.)

We had a mass shooting in Santa Monica, CA a couple of day ago. People died and yet I don't hear an outcry. I waited to hear the name of the shooter for over 24 hours even though the police knew wherre he lived. So now they are talking a little bit about the shooting and I can see why they were reticent to talk about it; the shooter only had one rifle and one pistol (a black powder pistol), the shooter was over 21 years old, the shooter once again gravitated to a "gun free zone", and the shooter was named Zawahri. The media is focusing on the amount of ammunition (like he could really get off 1300 rounds if that ammunition fit the weapon) and they are guilding the lily by referring to the pistol (below) as a .44 caliber pistol only.

Congressman Henry Waxman (d) didn't wait for the identity to be made known but released a statement about yet another mass shooting and the need for more gun control. Body armor? Large amounts of ammunition? (I don't take it for granted that all the ammunition was for the rifle since they didn't specify that) Black powder pistol??? This shooter sounds a little bit off the beaten path. According to some outlets this is not his first encounter with the law but no note was taken of his brush with authority.

Seems simple to me; crazy people do crazy things and we are not looking for them, shooters go to where there are unarmed people, politicians don't even wait for the blood to be cleaned up before trying to use the event, and the media still doesn't know how to report these things accurately. Without something that advances their agenda the media seems pretty tongue-tied when reporting.
Ozombie brains are in overload, right now. Give them time to spin this.
Did I just turn this into a political thread. OH MY!
Did I just turn this into a political thread. OH MY! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not really. Other than COG and perhaps a couple of others, there are not many posters who pay much attention to you anyway.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Full board rules are in effect here...proceed at your own peril

(Lets all watch a non-political thread turn political and how the discussion goes. This is what many people wanted, an area for some sane discussion without all the normal name-calling and BS)
JCM800's Avatar
Seems simple to me; crazy people do crazy things and we are not looking for them, shooters go to where there are unarmed people, politicians don't even wait for the blood to be cleaned up before trying to use the event, and the media still doesn't know how to report these things accurately. Without something that advances their agenda the media seems pretty tongue-tied when reporting. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
what isn't being reported on? ...another tragic shooting spree ends with the cops gunning down the suspect. that's it for him, case closed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What isn't being reported on? Did you really write that? Compare this to Aurora, Newtown, Columbine, or any other mass shooting (except Fort Hood). I guess you could always go to Nexus and see how many articles have been printed but I think it is pretty obvious that there is little interest this time. I just wonder why?
(this is a problem with splitting things up. I think of this as a crime problem but others will see it as political. I will post it here since this side needs some energizing.)

We had a mass shooting in Santa Monica, CA a couple of day ago. People died and yet I don't hear an outcry. I waited to hear the name of the shooter for over 24 hours even though the police knew wherre he lived. So now they are talking a little bit about the shooting and I can see why they were reticent to talk about it; the shooter only had one rifle and one pistol (a black powder pistol), the shooter was over 21 years old, the shooter once again gravitated to a "gun free zone", and the shooter was named Zawahri. The media is focusing on the amount of ammunition (like he could really get off 1300 rounds if that ammunition fit the weapon) and they are guilding the lily by referring to the pistol (below) as a .44 caliber pistol only.

Congressman Henry Waxman (d) didn't wait for the identity to be made known but released a statement about yet another mass shooting and the need for more gun control. Body armor? Large amounts of ammunition? (I don't take it for granted that all the ammunition was for the rifle since they didn't specify that) Black powder pistol??? This shooter sounds a little bit off the beaten path. According to some outlets this is not his first encounter with the law but no note was taken of his brush with authority.

Seems simple to me; crazy people do crazy things and we are not looking for them, shooters go to where there are unarmed people, politicians don't even wait for the blood to be cleaned up before trying to use the event, and the media still doesn't know how to report these things accurately. Without something that advances their agenda the media seems pretty tongue-tied when reporting. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Guess you missed the part about his mother was abroad and they wanted to notify her before releasing his name.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do help make my point. In Aurora, CO we had a major media outlet release the name of the shooter (but they had the wrong guy) and tried to connect him to an activist movement (again they were wrong). The media here seemed very timid about even floating a name. Have they learned their lesson or because it doesn't fit into the template?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ozombie brains are in overload, right now. Give them time to spin this. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your avatar continues to be the best portion of all the things that make up the near perfect ass that you seem to be.

Who jumped in here first with spin about the possible spin?
(this is a problem with splitting things up. I think of this as a crime problem but others will see it as political. I will post it here since this side needs some energizing.) Energizing not politicizing.

We had a mass shooting in Santa Monica, CA a couple of day ago. People died and yet I don't hear an outcry. We'll let the wounded, dead, and families of them know you don't think they screamed loud enough. Or do you just want to hear the screams of liberals? Or will any screams do? I waited to hear the name of the shooter for over 24 hours even though the police knew wherre he lived. So now they are talking a little bit about the shooting and I can see why they were reticent to talk about it; the shooter only had one rifle and one pistol (a black powder pistol), the shooter was over 21 years old, the shooter once again gravitated to a "gun free zone", and the shooter was named Zawahri. The media is focusing on the amount of ammunition (like he could really get off 1300 rounds if that ammunition fit the weapon) and they are guilding the lily by referring to the pistol (below) as a .44 caliber pistol only.

Congressman Henry Waxman (d) didn't wait for the identity to be made known but released a statement about yet another mass shooting and the need for more gun control. Body armor? Large amounts of ammunition? (I don't take it for granted that all the ammunition was for the rifle since they didn't specify that) Black powder pistol??? This shooter sounds a little bit off the beaten path. According to some outlets this is not his first encounter with the law but no note was taken of his brush with authority.

Seems simple to me; crazy people do crazy things and we are not looking for them, shooters go to where there are unarmed people, politicians don't even wait for the blood to be cleaned up before trying to use the event, and the media still doesn't know how to report these things accurately. Without something that advances their agenda the media seems pretty tongue-tied when reporting. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Listen to yourself. You cry about not enough coverage at the same time say “the shooter only had one rifle”. How many guns can you shoot at one time? If you think somebody with 2 hand guns blazing is more dangerous than a man with one rifle, you know as much about this subject as you do about most subjects you comment on. Not much.

Can’t get off 1300 rounds? Almost certainly not but you notice he had an extra barrel. He planned on shooting a large number of rounds in a short period of time.

This is Rep. Waxman’s district. You claiming him to be grandstanding or using this for gain is at best not well thought out, at worst incredibly moronic.

His statement;
“I am deeply saddened by the senseless violence at Santa Monica College. Reports have indicated that the shooter may have used an AR-15, the same military-style assault weapon also used by the shooters in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut.
“This is the seventh mass shooting in the last year. Enough is enough. It’s well past time that Congress take action to keep these dangerous weapons off our streets.
“My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this violence and their families. In the coming days and weeks, I will do all I can to pressure Congress to take up common-sense gun measures to fix our loophole-ridden gun laws and keep these violent weapons out of our communities.”

His statement identified the weapon used, called for the closing of loopholes and using “common-sense gun measures”, expressed his opinion about limiting the availability of “assault” weapons, and expressed his condolences for the victims and their families.

How fucking irresponsible is that?

Your final summation is right about crazy people, but singularly ill-informed on the rest.
Your opinion is just that. Your opinion. You can use it to vote, but that is the only place it carries the tiniest amount weight.