Is Rick Perry the Biggest Hypocrite Ever?

  • Booth
  • 06-21-2011, 07:38 AM
I would say that cutting $4 billion from the educational budget in Texas while at the very same time living in a $10,000 a month mansion for a 3 year period that is paid for by the taxpayers of Texas would qualify him as being a hypocrite of gigantic proportions!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Turning down billions in federal funds (which came from OUR pockets by the way), while pissing and moaning that Washington hasn't done enough to help Texas would qualify him as well.

Biggest hypocrite for sure. And don't forget cocksucker ... he would make the famous Top 10 list! (Not that there's anything wrong with it.)
I have never liked Rick Perry and god forbid he gets elected President!! I would rather have Hillary Clinton.... and I hate Hillary
3Jacklover's Avatar
I'll second that !!
Rick Perry served as the state chairman of Al Gore’s presidential campaign in 1988. That is all one needs to know to clearly see that Rick Perry is a piece of shit.
budman33's Avatar
Texas ranks second in public school enrollment, but 49th in teacher pay, 46th in SAT scores, 50th in residents with a high school diploma, 41st in high school graduation rates and 47th in state percentage of state revenue spent on public education.

Where's Weiner to help plug that hole.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Texas ranks second in public school enrollment, but 49th in teacher pay, 46th in SAT scores, 50th in residents with a high school diploma, 41st in high school graduation rates and 47th in state percentage of state revenue spent on public education.

Where's Weiner to help plug that hole.

Originally Posted by budman33
Do think those stats just might have something to do with our overwhelming growing population of illegal aliens that are in our school system?

These poor kids it is not their fault or the teachers that they have not had much in the way of education from the country they left to come here for a better life. Illegals do not pay taxes and that may be why teachers are not paid as well considering population of our schools. Lets not forget we have to teach them English as well. Just maybe that does contribute to those numbers on about our state in the way of education.

This seems like common sense to me. It may be because I worked in post secondary education for 7 years and ran into a lot of kids that were not U.S. citizens.
Rick Perry is one of a select few who would make me wish to have George W. Bush back in the Oval Office!

Now that is dipping into the very bottom of the barrel.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do think those stats just might have something to do with our overwhelming growing population of illegal aliens that are in our school system?

These poor kids it is not their fault or the teachers that they have not had much in the way of education from the country they left to come here for a better life. Illegals do not pay taxes and that may be why teachers are not paid as well considering population of our schools. Lets not forget we have to teach them English as well. Just maybe that does contribute to those numbers on about our state in the way of education.

This seems like common sense to me. It may be because I worked in post secondary education for 7 years and ran into a lot of kids that were not U.S. citizens. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Are you kidding me? Our schools suck because they're full of illegal aliens? Did you really just make that claim? Or did something get lost in the "translation"


According to the College Board, the organization that administers the SAT, Texas ranks 47th in SAT scores, followed by New York, Hawaii, Georgia, South Carolina, District of Columbia and Maine. The other "border" states (read: illeeegal ayyyliens!) of course are above Texas in the rankings. California, which is BROKER THAN WE ARE, ranks 35; Arizona, where the illegal immigration problem is so bad that the Border Patrol had to abandon Texas to the drug cartels, is 30th and New Mexico is 21st.


Look at the link and I think you'll discover that it isn't the presence of non-English speaking illegals that drives the scores down. That might be the case in the future, but hardly now. Especially when you look at states like New York, Georgia and MAINE??? Curiously, though, seems like the lower group of states have an unusually high concentration of rednecks.

Check it out.

BTW -- you worked in post-secondary education? Let me guess -- English professor? ()
Are you kidding me? Our schools suck because they're full of illegal aliens? Did you really just make that claim? Or did something get lost in the "translation"

COME ON, MAN, BRING OUT THE STATS! ) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There are times when I shake my head in absolute amazement! This happens to be one of those times.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
California, which is BROKER THAN WE ARE, ranks 35; Arizona, where the illegal immigration problem is so bad that the Border Patrol had to abandon Texas to the drug cartels, is 30th and New Mexico is 21st.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They are still in the bottom half...except for New Mexico.

I am sure that is not the only reason, but could be contributing to it...

I made more money than any English professor.
Texas has the highest amount of uninsured people in the country (26%) and second highest for those under 18..only Nevada has us beat for children without health insurance. Right to work, indeed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am sure that is not the only reason, but could be contributing to it... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Well, based on your experience in post secondary education, what might be another reason? Teacher salary? Corporate tax breaks that rip off the schools?

IMHO, for a state that now "teaches to the test" and little more, you'd think we'd be a little more successful at educating our students.

I made more money than any English professor. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
ANY English professor, eh? Wow! Well with all that money, you should have taken a class or two! Maybe they should be paying teachers more and (whatever it is that you did for so long in higher education) less...

I'm intrigued now. What DID you do in higher ed? OK, next guess: Debate coach?

You fucking crack me up!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
OK, next guess: Debate coach. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I keep you guys jumping thru hoops....