What not to say feminine hygiene issues

Nurseguy76's Avatar
I've always prided myself in being able to communicate with tack, sensitivity, and compassion. It's a very important part of my job to sometimes educate without hurting someone's feelings. Apparently that didn't come across with a particular provider that will remain nameless.

I see in about 90% of providers ads the common dislike is bad breathe, poor hygiene etc. I'm thinking ok like why does that need to be implied unless on occassion clients show up smelling like billy goats. It's implied (Wash your sack and floss right?) So as a hobbyist how do I address feminine odor. This is someone I've seen a few times and there was never an issue but the most recent time there was a heavy, heavy, heavy feminine odor (think bacterial vaginosis). I've smelled it many times and it's pretty unmistakeable. It's a simple fix and nothing to get bent out of shape over. I told this provider in the nicest way I could muster and she went Ape Sh*t on me. I'm talking Spider Monkey on bath salts crazy. She tells me how she worked hard to get where she's gotten and I'm the first person everrrrrrrrr to tell her the cooter wasn't fresh. Well those other guys may have sinus problems who knows. She was crying, screaming you name it.

What did I do wrong? I thought I was helping her in addressing a minor issue that could be taken care of before the next person comes along and may even write a negative review. I tried to rationalize to her that every woman has occassional issues. If that weren't the case there would be no feminine hygiene products. I thought we established a pretty truthful form of communication. I mean if a provider told me I had smoker's mouth or my meat was a little salty I would take care of that immediately.

No one wants to be questioned about their hygiene because it can hurt feelings but I had to be honest because I didn't want her business to be hurt.

Was I being a jerk?
pyramider's Avatar
Reach down with your hand and rub it around and then lift to her nose ... she will get the message.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Reach down with your hand and rub it around and then lift to her nose ... she will get the message. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's the ticket right there. The almost a dirty sanchez.
Imagine That's Avatar
Reach down with your hand and rub it around and then lift to her nose ... she will get the message. Originally Posted by pyramider

I like that----I like that a lot.

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Reach down with your hand and rub it around and then lift to her nose ... she will get the message. Originally Posted by pyramider

No words need to be said at all, just do that!
Nurseguy76's Avatar
LOL I've done that before but damn after we started getting into it, it became more pronounced especially K9. I'm thinking to myself there is no way she can't smell this as I'm plunging away. The little guy wasn't happy at all but soldiered through to completion. Look if I pay that amount I expect a few things. The least is that your money maker should not smell like the deck of a Mississippi shrimp boat in August.

Like I said I would not give a no because of this, she has been fine before but something was going on this particular day. If she was just finishing her cycle she should've douched or waited a day or so before providing again. Frequent douching is not good for the ladies but every once in awhile they should IMO. I'm waiting for some objective feedback from some of the ladies tic, tic, tic
NearHauteRed's Avatar
LOL I've done that before but damn after we started getting into it, it became more pronounced especially K9. I'm thinking to myself there is no way she can't smell this as I'm plunging away. The little guy wasn't happy at all but soldiered through to completion. Look if a pay that amount I expect a few things. The least is that your money maker should not smell like the deck of a Mississippi shrimp boat in August. Originally Posted by Nurseguy76
I try to inspect before BCD activities commence, one reason I hate tuna fish and uncooked seafood like oysters, mussels and the like. No way would my little head, much less my tongue go anywhere near that. As far as paying for it, you are right, the expectations are that a provider has excellent hygiene as she expects you to have it, along with other areas of expectation that I will not go into since I am going to stay on subject.

If she was just finishing her cycle she should've douched or waited a day or so before providing again. Frequent douching is not good for the ladies but every once in awhile they should IMO. I'm waiting for some objective feedback from some of the ladies tic, tic, tic Originally Posted by Nurseguy76

To a point, you have an idea about the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis.

However, NEVER douche. Before or after. EVER.

Douching complicates the issues and makes things a lot worse than had it been taken care of professionally. In fact, it's known to upset the internal PH balance of womens' systems more.

Medication is necessary to remedy the problem. It must be prescribed from a physician.

BV is a common ailment for women of childbearing age. The treatment is an easy solution.

For education & information, please follow the link: Click Here!

As for "LittleMissSmellsAlot", that's just wrong to continue on every imaginable level. Shame on her! Yuck!

I think you handled yourself very well and seems so in a gentlemanly manner. I am quite certain there would have been other men that probably would have written a NO review or started a thread in the men's area. She should be grateful that you did neither. Yes, you posted this thread but at no mention of her name. There are lots of things that we ladies can do to prevent that "embarrassing" moment from happening. Ladies the feminine aisle at your local Walmart is there for a reason.
pyramider's Avatar
Yes, its considered poor form to excuse yourself to put on a hazmat suit and gas mask.
I think you handled yourself very well and seems so in a gentlemanly manner. I am quite certain there would have been other men that probably would have written a NO review or started a thread in the men's area. She should be grateful that you did neither. Yes, you posted this thread but at no mention of her name. There are lots of things that we ladies can do to prevent that "embarrassing" moment from happening. Ladies the feminine aisle at your local Walmart is there for a reason. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
+1000. He could have been much worse and made things very bad for her business. She should have been thanking him for his honest feedback and used it as a learning experience rather than going into spider monkey mode. Hopefully she has had time to reflect and since apologized.

Sorry that happened to you OP.
Many years ago, I met and began to date a lady who previously was first runner-up in the Miss California/Ms. USA pagent. She declined an invitation by Playboy to pose as the centerfold. Yes, she was that awesome. Absolutely no air brushing would be required with the pictures.

My first visit "down there" was a real eye-opener.

She asked me why I didn't DATY anymore, for she liked the way I did it.

I said there was a problem. She was aware of it because other men had mentioned this, but she felt she should smell natural down there.

She talked me into quit smoking. A week later, after she had succesfully talked me into quit smoking, she tells me she went to a party (#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general
discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.)
Staff Edit. The relationship was terminated within days.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Damn Ramjet, I've put up with a lot more stuff than that and they were not Ms. California runner ups....lol
Yikes and ewww....

Sorry that happened to you
pyramider's Avatar
What does natural smell have to do with (#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.) Staff Edit.