i tend to agree with Salon

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-28-2017, 04:18 PM

. Originally Posted by WTF
"i tend to agree with Salon"


  • DSK
  • 05-28-2017, 06:33 PM
http://www.salon.com/2017/05/27/wake...o-impeachment/ Originally Posted by WTF
I think the article is also correct. I hope.
The article is correct...

And so is this: "Tillerson and all the Rolling Thunder members ride for each man and each woman who did not make it back..."

Who I agree with...
President Trump Secretary of State

Who WTF agrees with
President Obama Secretary of State

Check out the video! https://theconservativetreehouse.com...o/#more-133435


. Originally Posted by WTF
The Democrats keep reminding people, (voters), why they have lost the Presidency, The Senate, The House, and the majority of State Legislatures and Governorships.

First, Hillary Clinton will not go away. Then, the second they get any headway into a issue, out comes Nancy Peloci on National TV looking like an idiot.

Throw in Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Chuck Schumer, and a host of other "Party Leaders" saying the things that America does not want to hear, and what you have is Republican controle for the next decade at least.

Keep Chris Mathews ignoring ever issue except the "Russian Thing". Have Martha Raddatz and Andrea Mitchell keep looking into the camera with her "concerned look", lecturing us on how the voters just got it wrong. Have all of the Late Night Comedians make fun of The President. Let Saturday Night Live ridicule.

Katy Perry, Beyonce', JayZ, The Boss, Madonna, and an entire host of "celebrities" need to keep reminding us why they know best, and we are really beneath them.

More Counties will just turn Red.

Want to know why. Simple. The Democrats and their fellow cronies still don't get it.
bamscram's Avatar
Late night comedians love Trump, he is a target rich environment.
kinda like Bush 2.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Late night comedians love Trump, he is a target rich environment.
kinda like Bush 2. Originally Posted by bamscram
Kinda like you, the dimretards are fresh out of ideas.
  • DSK
  • 05-29-2017, 09:12 AM
Late night comedians love Trump, he is a target rich environment.
kinda like Bush 2. Originally Posted by bamscram
In a way, it is just like the liberal bubble they live in where it just reinforces their own bias against Trump.

They fail to make a connection with the many Americans resentful and angry about how liberals have destroyed our once great country.
In a way, it is just like the liberal bubble they live in where it just reinforces their own bias against Trump.

They fail to make a connection with the many Americans resentful and angry about how liberals have destroyed our once great country. Originally Posted by DSK
I have vowed never to use the term "liberal" again. I could use regressives but I prefer the correct term...


In a way, it is just like the liberal bubble they live in where it just reinforces their own bias against Trump.. Originally Posted by DSK
How many of you can remember back when The Phil Donahue show was on the air. He pioneered the "seeded audience" concept where the audience cheered for anything he pr seated, and jeered anything that was viewed as an opposing view.

This has come to a head on shows such Bill Maher, Jimmy Kimble, and all of the so called "comedy shows". The audience is programmed to loudly cheer anything remotely agreeing with the Socialist/Progressive/liberal Democrat Agenda while loudly booing any and all opposing views.

In the mean time, America is watching.

And more Counties turn Red.
bamscram's Avatar
Kinda like you, the dimretards are fresh out of ideas. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You dimretards will need to wise up. Sorry your gal lost.
bamscram's Avatar
In a way, it is just like the liberal bubble they live in where it just reinforces their own bias against Trump.

They fail to make a connection with the many Americans resentful and angry about how liberals have destroyed our once great country. Originally Posted by DSK
Translation : Trump is a running joke.
How many of you can remember back when The Phil Donahue show was on the air. He pioneered the "seeded audience" concept where the audience cheered for anything he pr seated, and jeered anything that was viewed as an opposing view.

This has come to a head on shows such Bill Maher, Jimmy Kimble, and all of the so called "comedy shows". The audience is programmed to loudly cheer anything remotely agreeing with the Socialist/Progressive/liberal Democrat Agenda while loudly booing any and all opposing views.

In the mean time, America is watching.

And more Counties turn Red. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's like how the lying liberals pollsters conduct their polls ! Stack the poll with respondents and wording questions that will give them a " lib favorable " answer. Communist psychological warfare 101.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I have vowed never to use the term "liberal" again. I could use regressives but I prefer the correct term...


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
don't forget about progressives.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How many of you can remember back when The Phil Donahue show was on the air. He pioneered the "seeded audience" concept where the audience cheered for anything he pr seated, and jeered anything that was viewed as an opposing view.

This has come to a head on shows such Bill Maher, Jimmy Kimble, and all of the so called "comedy shows". The audience is programmed to loudly cheer anything remotely agreeing with the Socialist/Progressive/liberal Democrat Agenda while loudly booing any and all opposing views.

In the mean time, America is watching.

And more Counties turn Red. Originally Posted by Jackie S
except on the Colbert show. when word of Comey's firing was announced, the audience cheered which shocked Colbert who said you're not suppose to cheer.