Misguided ghosts and random allegations

SamuraiSushi's Avatar
I've seen other people on here subject to an occasional case of mistaken identity. Does anyone have any advice for what to do if you've been slandered, and/or your identity has been stolen?
SamuraiSushi's Avatar
P.S. Mods move this post wherever I wasn't sure where to put it.
Whispers's Avatar
Contact Still Looking or myself for Reputation Repair Services.......

We can take you apart or put you back together again..... Whatever you need.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Are you talking about someone using your handle to book and misbehaving? Ladies can prevent imposters by having the gent PM her and not just take his word that he really is the handle he says...
Still Looking's Avatar
Rockerick will be back soon he is an expert in this field!