
DallasRain's Avatar
Hows biz in Longview??? I am contemplating a stopover......

  • jwood
  • 09-17-2012, 01:32 PM
Sounds good too
DallasRain's Avatar
after shreveport

thx for responses!
DallasRain's Avatar
I am going to wait till November but I will be there!

Hey Rain... I have been touring in Longview FOR YEARS! And it is still Great .. There are a few more wackos than I remember but I believe they are all over. I was concerned at first that because of all the dollar menu girls that have satuated the market that quality service would not be sought for. NOT TRUE! Of course they are going to get their $50 fix here and their but to answer your question on in your original post. Is business good YES IT IS. And believe it or not Mt Pleasant is good too. I would not say more than 2 days in either City Mt Pleasant is a week day CIty for me and Longview well believe it or not Sundays and Mondays YES DURING THE FOOTBALL GAMES. Or real good for me in Longview. I stay In Town near a lot of shopping and easy parking to hide cars I stay away from the 20 hype. The hotel workers are getting to nosy and a certain hotel on that stretch has Back page pulled up while your checking in to match age or face to ads. One girl I know was standing at the desk and her phone rang yep the manager dialed the ad number as she stood there..... She had already pre paid and she had to give him a kick pack or move on.
Anyway I hope this helps and I hope you Post about the outcome of your trip. It really help Ladies and towns for travel info. AND AS WE ALL KNOW......what may be good for one may not be good for all! Just giving you my take on the Town. 2 Thumbs up if it is not traveled to much or to long.
Tylus_amore's Avatar
Business in Longview and Tyler has really great for Business for quality providers, because of the fact that there are not nearly a quarter amount of girls in DFW or NYC... It's great.... and usually when I go my phone is still ringing for days after I visit.
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks...I may head that way later this month!

have fun and stay safe!!