Why so quiet here?

cinderbella's Avatar
Okay, I am noticing a trend here. My weekend lineup posts seem garner no interest whatsoever. Sure, I'm not as smokin' hot as some of the provider's here but I am not exactly ugly either. I have a very nice incall, don't like to do outcall per se because I feel comfortable in my own nice home. I have great reviews. I have also noticed that I'll get an eccie user client, they will be exceptionally generous with the rate ( I don't ask for it up front since I am careful to take clients I feel comfortable with and disregard the requests for "quickies".) Then I never hear from them again. No review, nothing. Or the situation where I have a known hobbyist who has alot of postitive reviews to their credit and they return for a repeat visit and treat me like gold but leave no review.

I'm thinking, perhaps they are not leaving a review because they are trying to respect my "low volume" status and are being considerate. I would never ask for a review, I have many repeat clients who keep me busy at times and I get enough positive feedback to know I am thought of fondly by most who know me.

But then again I have noticed some other girls here have wondered why they are not getting business off eccie. So perhaps it isn't "just me". I don't stand here blameless, of course because there have been times where I did not return phone calls ( I hate calling people out of respect for their privacy). Or where I wasn't as easy to reach.

Please don't hurl insults at me. If you don't have a legitimate thought or answer, please keep it to yourself. I don't go around bullying others and try to treat other users on this board with consideration. Thanks.
I think for most of us in this area, weekdays are better than weekends. It is for me anyway. Besides, I thought it was supposed to be more quiet in the country! Lol
ragooh_aus's Avatar
I don't think it is that quiet, but I am in Texarkana. I would visit you, but, we know the obvious travel distance. Insofar as reviews go, each hobbiest can chime in, but I elect to write a review because not only because it was a great session, but for the community information and private access. a no review would indicate that either it was an okay visit or I did not need the access at that time. Not everyone gets a revview as they take a while to compose.

It is too bad you live that far away. I love massage +!!
cinderbella's Avatar
Thanks for the input, and yes you are correct. And I probably should not have said, "no interest whatsoever". I actually meant no calls for coming to visit me today. I think being older, I am going to lose a portion of the eccie users and I am not a prolific, seasoned provider. Some of these ladies put some major miles on their cars and work much more than I do for their good names. Perhaps I haven't put enough energy into promotion and advertising. Heck, I don't even have a website. Personally, I don't usually care if it's a slow time for calls as I usually have plenty else to keep me occupied. But I am a bit nervous these days as I have a genuine need for a substantial increase in my income due to an enormous and looming financial deadline I must meet. If ever the words "true emergency" applied, they apply to me right now and I am a nervous wreck. Thank you all for the considerate, relevant replies and I wish I was closer to give you a great massage!!
  • jwood
  • 10-05-2012, 12:20 PM
I have to agree with ragooh. By the time you look up all the info, hair color, height, measurements, etc. it takes a while. Plus you have to get the links for the websites and showcase etc. Sometimes I have 4 pages open when I write a review. So it kills a good 1/2 hr at least. I have been interested in you because I love massages too. I have even pm ed some guys you have seen. They all say your a great visit. But I'm at least 70 miles from you. Maybe I will get there someday. Good luck.
Cinderbella...older is better. You're just starting to blossom!
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 10-05-2012, 01:03 PM
I to have been interseted in meeting you as well but shreveport to tyler is such a long drive i do get over there once or twice per year . Just never know when I will be there os its hard to set something up last minute .
In the famous words of Augustus McCrae "the older the violin the sweeter the music". If you ever head to the southwest corner of Arkansas I would gladly write a review for you.
Hi I live in Shreveport and dont get to your area very much but if I do I would enjoy meeting you. From the reviews I read you are very nice, a real lady that loves to please a respectful gentleman and I think you would be a pleasure to spend time with. If you ever come my way, please let me know.
Have a great week end.
Cinder baby................ When They are about to leave and you give your goodbye. And they are walking out with a smile and they tell you how good their time was just say If you would like to put that same thought in a review hat would be great!

Some men only write bad ones some men wont write them if you already have a lot. They do not realize that if ou travel a fresh one in the area you are in is always a booster for your bix.
But most want your blessing before hand.. However DO NOT ASK FOR WHAT YOUR NOT READY FOR...lol
Cinder baby................ When They are about to leave and you give your goodbye. And they are walking out with a smile and they tell you how good their time was just say If you would like to put that same thought in a review hat would be great!

Some men only write bad ones some men wont write them if you already have a lot. They do not realize that if ou travel a fresh one in the area you are in is always a booster for your bix.
But most want your blessing before hand.. However DO NOT ASK FOR WHAT YOUR NOT READY FOR...lol Originally Posted by Majichands
@ CINDERELLA. baby girl im not a run way model either... i do fairly well here in Texas NORTH & EAST. the thing is for me is to provide service that is so outstanding, the fellas wouldn't dare try another lady b.c they are stuck on you!! Lol. maybe widen your menu
some... just a few ideas.... and most of all just continue to be who you are
Cinder baby................ When They are about to leave and you give your goodbye. And they are walking out with a smile and they tell you how good their time was just say If you would like to put that same thought in a review hat would be great!

Some men only write bad ones some men wont write them if you already have a lot. They do not realize that if ou travel a fresh one in the area you are in is always a booster for your bix.
But most want your blessing before hand.. However DO NOT ASK FOR WHAT YOUR NOT READY FOR...lol Originally Posted by Majichands
True... the way it is nowadays, I don't ever ask because he might seem like he's having a glorious time but may not show that in a review. Im picky , and unless the gent is enthusiastic on writing a review, then great, if not, I still knw he had fun. You're very pretty Cinderbella!