
OlRebel's Avatar
I know time is very valuable to the provider but was wondering how they feel about meeting for drinks to see if the chemistry is there before indulging in fun?
For me, it's case per case basis. If I feel comfortable to meet in public after conversing via e-mail/phone, I don't mind as long as I am compensated for my time...(discounted of course). But I'm always paranoid if I run into people I know (friends/colleagues) out in public. And if we do run into friends, it would be weird if you don't know my real name.
In conclusion, I'd rather meet in private and have you tell me if there's no chemistry so you can just leave within 5 mins with donation refund. It's just much easier and more discreet that way.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I do not mind meeting for a drink or two before a session if I am not busy. It is fun and often improves the session.
Depends on the girl and the circumstances (her schedule mostly, natch)....I've done it several times, it's a great Ice Breaker, and in every case the session was really fun and exciting (might have been so anyway, but a nice buzz on didn't hurt....lol....)
I have been able to do this with a number of providers at no charge. But in most cases it was after texting, emails, phone talk, etc so they were comfortable that I was not a tire kicker. All but one I did schedule a session with at a later time and most have seen me many times. And, in every case, I feel the sesion was much better because we were not total strangers and I very comfortable that I was getting what was advertised. Several ladies commented it was a better session as well.

The tire kicker issue I think is a big part of it. These ladies spend a lot of time and effort to look their best for their clients. No one wants to waste all that if the chance of getting work is low or unknown. Some will do it but will request you pay them something for their time. Also let them know if you will want to have a session at that time if you click or if you will schedule for later.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm usually ultra nervous on first encounters. I like to meet for drinks , lunch or whatever because it breaks the ice on first encounters, and yes, it's a better session afterwards.

There was only one time I met before and didn't feel like being with the provider. I paid her full donation, told her that I didn't think we clicked and there was no hard feelings. Obviously, I didn't write a review because nothing happened. Up to today every once in a while she PM's me teasing me.

I can understand that providers might not want to take that risk, because most Hobbyists probably would not do what I did. But that's the way my DNA is.
TinMan's Avatar
I perceive a difference between what the OP is requesting and what a lot of us experience. He seems to be looking for a "try before you buy" meet-up, with no obligation beyond paying for drinks.

While there are plenty of ladies who will have 1-2 drinks before a session without charging you extra for the non-BCD portion of the date (within reason), there is at least an implied obligation to proceed with the date, or pay for it in any event.

My apologies to the OP if I misinterpreted his request.
The chemistry thing is important, and the ladies know who the tire kickers are before you call, so if you have that rep it precedes you and it's off anyway. I have, over the years, called off a session after arriving for whatever "this ain't gonna fly" reason. And leave at least half the donation or a tip, depending on the provider's response to "this ain't gonna fly but I'm not gonna stiff you, how do we work this out?"

I can see the valid hesitation that Samantha mentions, plus all the real constraints on either party's schedule. Discretion IS the most important part of the equation, as is straight up honesty. If you're really nervous, build some time into the session for meet and greet/drinks/convo or ask if it's OK up front. Or just buy a dinner date and if either of you farts or eats bleu cheese, pay for the date but not the desert and go home.

But most of all, don't go through a lousy session for either of you because the chemistry/vibe/situation is wrong. Call it off before it gets any weirder, be a gentleman about it, and go on about your business.

Remember voice calls? Talking, as opposed to texts/PM/email, to a provider will go a long way towards opening the door of communication and discovering if it's a "fit".
Yes, we're talking about meeting for the first time. I have gone out to lunch/dinner/ drinks with men I've seen before, clicked, have chemistry with...we go out as friends before/after BCD. We are comfortable with each other, know each other's name.
OlRebel's Avatar
Money is not the issue as much as just seeing if we click and would always compensate the provider for her time. No harm no foul!
pyramider's Avatar
The more the lady drincks the bigger my 1.3" of dangling death seems to get.
I have met with one provider for drinks. We had been trying to schedule and never could find the right time. We both happened to be in Mesquite for different reasons so we met at Hooter's to get to know each other. I tipped her 40 ($40 but the $ doesn't count as a hundred).

When I meet a girl from BP just to see if we click it is usually $20 - $50 plus the cost of drinks and appetizers. Believe it or not, some (most?) of these girls are just happy to be able to have a good dinner in a relaxed atmosphere.