Exposing Johns website

12blue4u's Avatar
If this has been discussed sorry. So I just heard that this site based in off shore has hacked into parts of Backpage. I have yet to find confirmation. But they are putting up names and then extorting guys to have them taken off and apparently even after paying it does not always go away. Not sure how they are getting id's off out IP but apparently they are.
Any info?
I heard that they put up beautiful ads with photos and when the guys call them they get his info and put it on Exposing Johns. That is a terrible thing to do.
I got a text today that I had been added to their site and to pay from 200 to 500 to remove the profile. It was from a backpage ad that I contacted like a week ago. They put a screenshot of a text I sent (ad stated to only text then voice verification later) asking the person if they were free at a certain hour.

Apparently they are based in India though the number that texted me the warning message that I had been added is in Austin.

Sad part is I'm only new to this site and have literally never set up an appointment with a provider before.
Always google a phone number and name of lady before calling. It pays to do your homework first and stay off the evening news and out of harms way. Stay safe!
RedLeg505's Avatar
They put a screenshot of a text I sent (ad stated to only text then voice verification later) asking the person if they were free at a certain hour. Originally Posted by West_Tx
This is why all texts/calls/contacts for me are done on an ANONYMOUS burner hobby phone. They can post my hobby phone number all they want. I'll simply toss it and get another.
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  • LNK
  • 04-21-2014, 09:19 PM
I got a text today that I had been added to their site and to pay from 200 to 500 to remove the profile. It was from a backpage ad that I contacted like a week ago. They put a screenshot of a text I sent (ad stated to only text then voice verification later) asking the person if they were free at a certain hour.

Apparently they are based in India though the number that texted me the warning message that I had been added is in Austin.

Sad part is I'm only new to this site and have literally never set up an appointment with a provider before. Originally Posted by West_Tx
I fail to see why anyone would worry about this.

Pitch the phone and get another.

Or, ignore it, because that number doesn't lead anywhere. You bought your phone for cash, and registered it anonymously, right?

Who knows it's your number, a bunch of hookers, right? OH MY GOD! I've been exposed on exposingjohns.com! All the hookers I've talked to will know I was trying to talk to another hooker!

Of course, if you used your real-life phone, well, you have a little issue, don't you?

DON'T bother to pay them. They won't remove it, or they'll just move the info to one of their other web sites, and you'll be out cash you could have used to get laid. Ignore it. The chances of anyone finding out is slim and none, unless your SO is in the habit of Googling your number.
That is a scam don't fall for it...