Personal Protection

Marshpirate's Avatar
I wrote this for my hometown section, but I thought it would work here too.

Personal Protection
Ladies and gentlemen.
Most of us are somewhat wise to the streets and the dangers that can lie in unfamiliar territory. This "virtual world" (internet,ECCIE) also, while it brings us close together, unfortunately attracts the dregs of humanity. Please be safe.

Situational Awareness: As your mother taught you, keep your head up, shoulders back, stand straight and tall. Keep that don't mess with me attitude on your face. Wear sunglasses as often as possible, your eyes reveal your fears. Keep that phone off of your face. It's a distraction, if you need to make or take a call, stop and do it in a safe environment. Look like trouble. If you look like food, you will be eaten.

Defensive Measures: Pepper spray is a very basic chemical weapon. A lot of people are somewhat immune to it, especially those who are chemically or emotionally altered. Do not put your trust in it solely. It does degrade and expire, so replace it annually. Go to cabelas and get a can of bear spray, although its a larger package to handle, it has a longer reach and more pressure to drive the chemical irritant.

Electronics, like tazers, zappers and shockers. These items can be good, but as with anything else, you get what you pay for. These are subject to Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In my opinion, the best device is a personal tazer. Get, one, learn to use it, keep it close.

I will not get in to any other weapons on an open forum. I'll just say as far as self defense is concerned, those who cannot visit a gym or dojo and regularly practice boxing, Brazilian ju-jitzu or muy tai, google and YouTube are your friend. There are tons of devilish little tricks that one can learn there.

Anyway, I invite your questions, comments and especially contributions.

Gotyour6's Avatar
Pee yourself and run towards them
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Marshpirate's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Now that there is funny!
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Kick em in the balls then run away screaming "NOT IN THE FACE!"
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
my protection is a friend from kimber
kiki2012's Avatar
I never heard of bear spray?? I wonder if sporting goods place has em. Loll
Marshpirate's Avatar
my protection is a friend from kimber Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Excellent choice, CDP II 3" here.
I carry a smith and Wesson special tactics knife.. only 9.99 at oriellys
Our Dojo master told us the best knife fight defense is some good running shoes. Just bye bye knife guy. gotta to go to a meeting. adios enjoy playing with yourself.

of course guns can beat a knife attacker if you time it right. if your off with the gun vs knife timing then yeah we're back to setting new records in the 40...
Against a knife, it's tough. You have to not be afraid or you may as well be dead. You can use a belt to help defend a knife if you are where you can get to a place of safety fairly quick. NO, no fancy stuff, Use it like a rat tail towel and pop them in the eye area, it'll give you a few seconds head start to get to safety. You can also pop the hand that's holding the knife, making them drop it. One other thing. Kicking them in the groin doesn't work most of the time. They're so amped up when attacking, they won;t feel it til the next day. MarshPirate made some very good points. I've been teaching martial arts since the early 90s and things have gone downhill so it's best to always be ready
Marshpirate's Avatar
Against a knife, it's tough. You have to not be afraid or you may as well be dead. You can use a belt to help defend a knife if you are where you can get to a place of safety fairly quick. NO, no fancy stuff, Use it like a rat tail towel and pop them in the eye area, it'll give you a few seconds head start to get to safety. You can also pop the hand that's holding the knife, making them drop it. One other thing. Kicking them in the groin doesn't work most of the time. They're so amped up when attacking, they won;t feel it til the next day. MarshPirate made some very good points. I've been teaching martial arts since the early 90s and things have gone downhill so it's best to always be ready Originally Posted by mississippifunguy
Good work Mississippi, thanks for the excellent response.

As far as bladed and other deadly weapons are concerned, only expect this; you can and probably will get injured, expect it. But with the proper mind set, knowing that your adversary does not make the rules, you will survive and you will prevail.
As I said before, I will not dwell on deadly force. Just have a plan in your head to deal with a threat, should it occur.
Good work Mississippi, thanks for the excellent response.

As far as bladed and other deadly weapons are concerned, only expect this; you can and probably will get injured, expect it. But with the proper mind set, knowing that your adversary does not make the rules, you will survive and you will prevail.
As I said before, I will not dwell on deadly force. Just have a plan in your head to deal with a threat, should it occur. Originally Posted by Marshpirate
CrazyBitch trumps even the schizophrenic that lives at the bus stop, been there done that!!. Mindset or mindf#$ck , either way you can make your attacker piss his pants in fear of you. I had a section sgt from NY tell me that all you have to do in the hood is walk around in a trench coat with one hand inside like you have a weapon and talk to yourself like you're batshit crazy. Even the hardcore thugs know better than to fuck with batshit crazy. With that said...CrazyBitch usually prevails!! Use your mind to mindf#$ck your attacker.
Marshpirate's Avatar
CrazyBitch trumps even the schizophrenic that lives at the bus stop, been there done that!!. Mindset or mindf#$ck , either way you can make your attacker piss his pants in fear of you. I had a section sgt from NY tell me that all you have to do in the hood is walk around in a trench coat with one hand inside like you have a weapon and talk to yourself like you're batshit crazy. Even the hardcore thugs know better than to fuck with batshit crazy. With that said...CrazyBitch usually prevails!! Use your mind to mindf#$ck your attacker. Originally Posted by Gabrielle TallCoolOne
Lol! Gabrielle I can see you wearing a trench coat in ACU camo & desert combat boots. Also carrying a cane and wearing a top hat. Sporting a wild-child hairstyle,black camo makeup with bright red lipstick. Maybe a stuffed armadillo under one arm? Mumbling the lyrics to Freebird. That would scare the shit out of me!
Lol! Gabrielle I can see you wearing a trench coat in ACU camo & desert combat boots. Also carrying a cane and wearing a top hat. Sporting a wild-child hairstyle,black camo makeup with bright red lipstick. Maybe a stuffed armadillo under one arm? Mumbling the lyrics to Freebird. That would scare the shit out of me! Originally Posted by Marshpirate
Batshit crazy works everytimeI haven't had to kick anybody's ass in about 2 years