Coworker sex

Have you had sex with a coworker and then stopped? Either the other person was an ass or you were. How did the days go afterward? See them in the hall and momentarily think about the sex? In meetings and th k about the sex? Later when you had a disagreement with your current significant other think about one more time with your ex?

I know how guys think and the answer is mostly yes. Ladies?

Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Moved to correct forum.
Yep. Fucked the boss lady and she fired me because I couldn’t get her to cum. Lucky for me tho, I was strapped with a golden parachute.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Ended up doing a secretary in the office who was also my next door neighbor - couldn't get her to do much work for me though.

In the same business, was doing the plant managers fiancée, he found out and used to give me the strangest look like he wanted me to disappear or something, imagine that ?

Also in the same business a guy friend of mine got a divorce over doing a cute little secretary and the wife found out.

I've never heard of an office romance/fling ending well.

I leave it to the professionals now to provide DICK-TATION !
don't get your honey where you get your money .....
[QUOTE=Charlie Brown;106057554] I've never heard of an office romance/fling ending well.QUOTE]

No truer words spoken (or written as in this case).....
  • grean
  • 03-07-2018, 11:17 AM
don't get your honey where you get your money ..... Originally Posted by SomethingOnTheSide
Exactly. +1000!

Especially in today's #metoo environment. She can at the time seem consensual. When the relationship goes south, she changes her tune and says she was only acting consensual for fear of her job. Unfortunately too that may have been the case. Who knows. Either way now you're getting fucked over.
I've fucked several women at work in various positions only one ended on a bad note and that was my fault. For a majority of them it was just an office fling to add a little spice their husband or boyfriend couldn't provide. I sit right next to one of them I used to fuck and we go out for happy hour, weekend get aways, etc but very discreet at work. its all business during the week.... but after work or wknd... Its On N Poppin!
Chung Tran's Avatar
my one and only time, situation similar to JS.. except it stopped at Oral.

does that count?
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
Never shit where you sleep.

That's why, my female colleague and I only fuck around when we have to travel for work. We don't shit across time zones. We joke that we're "meeting spouses." Don't even say goodbye, when we land at DFW. But, might start ripping clothes off as we leave the airport in Seattle.

It works for us.
A friend of mine had sex with a woman that worked for him at a plant doing Government work. He fired her before her 90 day probation period was up and she filed a law suit in a Federal court, citing sexual blah, blah.
1. He lost his job
2. He spent a shitload of money for a high priced Dallas lawyer.
3. Family and personal embarrassment.
4. Turns out that she had it planned all along to get the job, have sex with her boss, get fired and file a lawsuit for financial gain. She lost the case, but my friend lost a lot also.
5. My SO is still mad at me for not getting mad at him when she told me that he talked inappropriately to her on the telephone.

See previous comments and don't do something stupid at work.
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
So much of this is contingent upon where you work and the profession you're in. In my line of work, this is a big FUCK NO. Instant career killer. And possible media attention upon termination. Litigation at worst.
Sucks, because one of the ladies I work alongside is a divorced smokeshow
Sasquatch's Avatar
I used to travel around Texas visiting client locations. So, technically not a coworker situation here. When away from the main office, one large breasted Mexican woman, allowed me to enjoy some great mammary play time on the company dime. This went on for a while until she visited my office and demanded oral service of her freshly shaved kitty. My own receptionist figured out what was going on. Little did I know but my receptionist played both sides of the game. All was well until the client questioned the number of hours billed for offsite work. Had to work for free for a while.

In today's environment, the world is littered with land mines. Tread carefully.
Chung Tran's Avatar
one large breasted Mexican woman, allowed me to enjoy some great mammary play time on the company dime. Originally Posted by Sasquatch
MY fling was with a large breasted African American.. 42DDD.. just curious if YOUR Mexican can.. ahem... TOP that
rexdutchman's Avatar