If Dems Lose Again, Obama’s Legacy Is Gone Forever

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the daily rag is worried that Obama's legacy will get wiped clean like one does with a toilet paper.

Obama failed to protect his flank. He's no LBJ or FDR. these Democrat guys knew how to protect their flank.
GREAT.. His legacy needs to end up in the crapper!
bambino's Avatar
What Legacy? He’ll have to go to a Subaru dealership do get a Legacy.
Budman's Avatar
Obama who?
NoTell's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah WHAT LEGACY, 8 years of NOTHING but future problems
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
what will trumps be impeached and removed convicted of a felony or more than 1 and jailed, take your pick I bet atleast least one of those to happen
Obama Legacy hasn't been wiped out. In fact, much of what Trump is trying to do has been squashed. The less liberal Supreme Court Justice appointment was long-time coming.