But wait, there's more...

texassapper's Avatar
Wonder how this will pan out. I doubt much will come of it because Merchan spent MONTHS railroading this prosecution.. he's not going to let some stupid facebook comment derail his plans!

America is not about to let 12 morons and a corrupt Judge in NY get in the way of Donald J Trump getting elected President again.

Have you checked the polls in Arizona and Nevada since that verdict.

Trump up by 5.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

won't see this on CNN or MSNBC

It Looks Like a Trump Juror Discussed the Guilty Verdict With a Family Member


but .... is this fake? the "poster" says so. he claims to be a professional shitposter.

i wonder what his eccie handle is?


however the person who posted this, Erik Uebelacker is a NYC court reporter


and apparently anti-trump.
... Maybe Judge Merchan is tryin' to get out of this and
will vacate the verdict... He already has to be aware that
this case will be overturned - as it's being torn apart by
legal experts on both sides.

IF a juror or two were texting about the upcoming verdict
before it was decided and announced - then there's a problem.

... Sham trial - Sham verdict.

#### Salty
It seems like pretty much everyone knows this was a hoax. Even Hannity who talked about it anyways. You all do too. Just dumb.