What to do when a well know provider launches a campaign to destroy a hobbyist good time in Dallas!!

Still Looking's Avatar
Katie Fox,
As the agency owner I thought I should give you an accounting of what REALLY happened last night! First of all after I posted in the Dallas men’s lounge and received refereals for the SL DOES DALLAS tour I sent out both PM and emails with my references. I started setting appointments. Allison Heart was scheduled last night at 8:00 pm. As you well know. Not being from Dallas, I had absolutely no idea I was dealing with an agency. Much to my surprise. I took the time to look back at Allison’s show case and do not see anything that even closely points to her being part of an agency. Yes I assumed Gia was a booker, and I have dealt with bookers in the past. Gia did not give a phone number to both Allison and herself till the day of the appointment.
The Appointment
I left Arlington two hours before the scheduled time to assure myself I would be on time! I arrived at 7:45. I called Gia to get clarification on where to park as there was no park in the street and the property is gated. I waited at the gas station at the end of the street per Gia’s instructions. Gia told me Allison probably would answer the phone till 8:00pm as she was there. So I waited till 8:00 and called her. No one answered. I called Gia who said give her a few more minutes. I tried at 5 after then at 10 after. I finally reached Allison at 8:45 pm. She gave me the gate code to get in. I didn’t need it because I followed another resident in. I stayed on the phone the entire time with Allison. She was explain to me where to park. But she seemed uncertain. Finally I got out of the car and told her I was in front of the correct building. She said she was in the middle of the building. So I checked every level looking for the Apartment number but could not find it. So I called Allison back. She insists I’m in the right place. She claims she is standing in FRONT of the building. I’m standing there talking to her, telling her well do you see me? So now its 8:30 pm. She tells me to hold. So I’m standing there for 8 minutes before I hanf up and call Gia. Gia tells me another provider will be there shortly to show me the unit. I finally get a call from someone who tells me I’m in the right place but the unit is NOT at the middle of the building but at the end! With camera and shirt in hand I knock on the door. Allison answers and we walk upstairs and find you sitting on the couch. My very first question was who are you?
I was pretty frustrated by this time and felt I should have just got the hell out of there, but I thought I keep my powder dry. So I explained that people were giving me looks and I really didn’t like standing in front of building for 30+ minutes. Allsion apologied twice. She is new to the hobby and the in call. She was very sweet.
Before we went any further with the session I wanted to make sure it was going to be OK I took some pictures. I explained about the national thread and this was all in fun. You told me point blank that YOU normally don’t allow pictures. You being the professional photographer! You stated you wanted control over the quality of the pictures being published! I told you it was no big deal. You then offered to send me pictures and Allison really didn’t want her pictures taken. At this point I thought, I’m just going to get the hell out of here! That’s when YOU agreed to take the pictures with my canera. For 25 minutes you played MS Pro photographer. THREE times I told you I only need a couple of pictures for the thread. I even stated you are making this into way to big a deal! So now the pictures are done, finally. This is when Allison stated she need to leave by 9:30 to go pick someone up from the airport. So I thought you’re kidding me. When she said this you asked to have a moment in private with her. So I excused myself and waited in the kitchen. You both come out of the bedroom and YOU ask me if I would be interested in a half hour with Allison and half with you?! I said no problem. So Allison and I go to HER bedroom. (Review to follow: Session terminated!) I come out of the room with Allison and we can’t find you. While were waiting Allison wanted to look at the pictures on my camera. She asked me to delete several of them. She then posed and had me take more pictures. Finally you showed up. Allison had to leave for her appointment… but she stayed in the bedroom with you. She came out and told me you were fixing your hair for the pictures. A large bang on the front door. I thought what the hell? You go downstairs to retrieve a large white bag with bras, under wear, shoes etc. You explain to me who brought the bag and why. You wanted to make sure your make up, hair etc were to your liking before I took your pictures. Allison finally said she was leaving. You continued to get yourself ready. While you were doing so, I explained to you the problem Allison and I had. You told me she was new and you would be discounting our session from $325 (Your Rate!) to $200 I told you that was no problem.
So now I take three pictures of you and you reviewed them and were happy with them. Now it was time for our session. (Review to follow!) After session we talked. I shared information about myself as did you. I don’t out people so I will not be sharing that information. I spent quite some time commenting how beautiful you were. You have probably the absolutely nicest MM boobs I’ve seen in quite some time! Your skin is so soft I couldn’t believe it. I even questioned if you had pours! LOL You have a beautiful face and some of the nicest lips…. Oh well. You told me I did need to leave. I explained I had dinner plans that were shoot to hell. I did postpone them but I had people waiting for me. Then knowing I’m a non GFE hobbyist you plant this wonderful kiss on my ass. I thought to myself… I’m going to see this young lady again.

After getting behind an accident it took me two hours to get back to my hotel. I posted the pictures. After you made your post, my phone started to blow up! I got countless emails, calls, texts and PM’S about your post. I immediately took down the pictures.
I’m shocked and surprised that you started this drama! I can only suspect you thought perhaps I was going to say something bad about Allison, you or your agency. Business first right? I hope you accomplished what you set out to do. If you were trying to draw attention to yourself, well you certainly did that! Trust me when I say, I’m a nobody! Am I a post whore.. you bet. Am I a man whore… you bet! Do I publish pictures of ladies against their wishes or threaten ladies? Not in a million years. This was a bad situation and at best a misunderstanding. It has caused one of your White Knights to send out an email alert to all of the providers I have appointments with. It’s good that you have loyal customers coming to your rescue and felt it incumbent to try and ruin this time for me. I’ll deal with Prolongus and the rest of the WK’S in a separate post.
Best of luck Katie and I’m truly sorry this happened.
Still Looking's Avatar
I always find it interesting when I see WK syndrome. I do understand it as well. But judging someone without being there and not even hearing the other side of the story seems pretty childish to say the least. Normally I just ignore White Knights but I’m going to make an exception in this case.
Prolongus, I’m offended by your post #30 in the other thread referring to me and using the word “rape” in the same statement. Then without knowing the facts you send out an email ALERT to every provider I published that I was going to see on my Tour? Sir you have no class! Does it really bother you that someone is just trying to have fun? I think you lost your mind.
Waldo, little over 300 posts and calling me a “weirdo” was your best post to date! Good job! LOL
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
7900+ posts in less than a year on a escort review board. Did your mother not love you enough? Bullied too much in junior high? Your posts speak for themselves--weirdo.
Okay first...if you did any research at all, even the slightest bit, you would know Katie Fox is an "agency". It's been talked about, I am sure. Hell, even if you did no research, "Katie and friends" doesn't sound independent to me.

On the flip side, if she had done even the slightest bit of research, she wouldn't have taken the appointment if those sort of activities make her uncomfortable. I'm not from Austin, but I know I wouldn't ever see you if you came my way, because I already know we would have issues and wouldn't 'click', just from reading ECCIE.

So basically, everyone do their research and things like this can be avoided.
Meh. Eccie soap operas are a guilty pleasure of mine but this one sucks.

I agree with Waldo. I'm embarrassed about how much time I waste here, but 8000 posts in a year??? That's just creepy.
countryfried's Avatar
I noticed all your reviews after all this length of time and not one bad word mentioned of you till this one episode that was blown out of proportion by a woman that claims she was drinking.
You was a great sport about being delayed and being under the gun with the time factor. Maybe they were afraid to deal with the consequences of how they conducted the business part and wanted to get all the attention directed at the tshirt request. A manuveur that worked for a moment and the spot light is really bright.
You are a gentleman by saying you are sorry and removing all pictures shows you are not an arrogant person that is bound and determined to get your way. Arrogant men can't swallow their pride and make changes to accomadate everyone. The faces were covered and taking pictures is taboo.
We all know they take pictures with the faces concealed but YOU CAN'T TAKE ONE.
Continue to have your fun and with all things comes the good and bad, you can't please everyone.
I noticed the name calling by some guys and thought how disrespectful with losing thier temper and I wouldn't do business with such a person. The minute I mess up they would do me the same way and shows no patience or compasion for forgiveness. Posting has nothing to do with this thread and some will get off track because THEY HAVE AN ISSUE WITH YOU and how they make it obvious.
Jelousy and Envy runs rampid when people are lonely and can't have fun.
Still Looking's Avatar
7900+ posts in less than a year on a escort review board. Did your mother not love you enough? Bullied too much in junior high? Your posts speak for themselves--weirdo. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Well I'm not a chronic masturbator so I have more time on my hands Waldo!
Perhaps this dude is the ultimate gentleman...and in fairness to him, there would seem to be a lot of support both from the ladies and guys who give him the thumbs up! And without question, I would assume his reviews in the various markets he plays in are helpful.

As far as the high post counts...do people really notice post counts???...obviously he enjoys this site, and I would assume he mixes humor, with insightful experiences.

But in my opinion, stressing it's just my opinion, for someone to go from town to town posting pics of girls (outside of a review) runs somewhere from being creepy to someone is just plain starved for attention.

With the amount of support SL apparently is getting, IMO, I guess it's just someone starved for attention.
Still Looking's Avatar
Okay first...if you did any research at all, even the slightest bit, you would know Katie Fox is an "agency". It's been talked about, I am sure. Hell, even if you did no research, "Katie and friends" doesn't sound independent to me.

On the flip side, if she had done even the slightest bit of research, she wouldn't have taken the appointment if those sort of activities make her uncomfortable. I'm not from Austin, but I know I wouldn't ever see you if you came my way, because I already know we would have issues and wouldn't 'click', just from reading ECCIE.

So basically, everyone do their research and things like this can be avoided. Originally Posted by Dannie
Good point Dannie! Research is invaluable! I admit I took local respected hobbyist’s recommendations without doing much research. My bad!

Not see SL? I'm sorry you feel that way! I'll take you off of my list!

Happy Thoughts! LOL
This thread is closed. The topic was discussed and closed becasue of all the bashing going on. If you 2 still want to argue about it, take it to PMs